
   April 2020

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
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April - Wake up to Wireless Ways - Talking Today's Tools 

Ken Sinclair

Help me, lead our Conversations/Talking to tell of "Today's Tools"  which are so much more than hardware and hammers. We need to stop hammering out our old way solutions and nail a new understanding of our today's toolset and how we can best use them.

The old adage “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”   -  Abraham Maslow

Coupled with the thought,  It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

We need to change our tools and how we use them, trading hard hammers for humanistic based softer more encompassing solutions.  We have a myriad of soft and hard solutions these days. Do we clearly understand what tools we now have in our tool kit and how they are used completely different than our hammers of the past?

Please read our review Talking Today's Tools

Are our existing wired networked solutions at risk in the near future? Can wireless ways greatly enhance wired networks? The answer is "Yes".   Wireless network ways provide a future-proofed AI-Driven self-discovery schema with off-site ease of update of operating systems, collection devices, and sensors.

Please read our review Wake up to Wireless Ways

These articles help lead the discussion

Removing the Umbilical Cord between Controllers and Sensors  This is only possible by removing the logic from the logic controllers and putting it into standard software running on edge computing. And that is only possible by removing the umbilical cord between controllers and sensors, the wires that restrict them from taking more and better inputs. - Phillip Kopp, CEO, Conectric Network

The Rising Remote Workforce   The exponential demand for Future-Ready Facilities. - Nicolas Waern, "The Building Whisperer"

The Road to Future Ready Facilities and Digital Twin Thinking  The podcast with James was a great discussion between him and me about our past, what we think about the future, and the whole idea of decoupling hardware and software.  - "The Building Whisperer"

COVID-19 Lockdown Leaves Empty Smart Buildings to Ponder Their Failings While we can excuse the technology for being as unprepared as the humans who made it, this strange reality we find ourselves living in poses a new challenge for the smart building industry to adapt its intelligence to. -  James McHale, Managing Director, Memoori

COVID-19, the World's Biggest Remote Working Experiment is Underway   The World's Biggest Remote Working Experiment is Underway - First and foremost, for this to be "a great reset" for "long-overdue work flexibility," this single global experiment has to be a success.  -  James McHale, Managing Director, Memoori

COVID 19 and the BAS Systems Integrators HVAC/electrical tradesmen are essential according to the federal guidelines that many states are following.  Which means we as an industry are allowed to operate during these uncertain times. - Scott Cochrane, President, CEO, Cochrane Supply & Engineering

As always this new issue is a nest of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting our rapidly evolution and journey.

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As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from March 2020
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