Article - August 2003
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The Rising Need for Unbiased Market Research

With an increasing number of hardware, software and solution options, the biggest challenge is staying informed. 

Frank Capuano
Strata Resource, Inc. 

The Changing Industry - Convergence

The term "convergence" is used prominently in conversations regarding the latest and greatest developments in building automation. It conveys the rising expectation that disparate building automation systems will operate in concert to create a building network that controls all mechanical, security and life safety aspects of a building. It is also describes the amount of "new" technology and practices entering the building automation arena. Most of the "new" technologies are existing standards from the IT world and enterprise software. Application of these technologies, not originally designed for building automation, is fostering new practices to effectively implement these technologies. This is transforming and expanding the building automation industry into a diverse arena of technologies, events, products, practices, and professionals. With this expansion comes new options, opportunities, choices and challenges.

"The Automator"
New Products
Past Issues

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Options, Opportunities, Choices and Challenges

The world of building automation is expanding beyond simply HVAC controls, into the universe of networked building systems, which encompasses the control and management of all building systems. The use of enterprise software and technology is redefining baseline expectations. A decade ago you needed to convince owners that they would benefit from an interoperable, multi-vendor solution that was accessible through an Internet browser. Today, the expectation is that every system offers these benefits. With an increasing number of hardware, software and solution options, the biggest challenge is staying informed. Obtaining timely and comprehensive market information is an ongoing task. In order to capitalize on new opportunities and prepare for challenges ahead, you need a dedicated resource for unbiased market review and investigation.

Dedicated Resource 

It's been said that "knowing is half the battle". In this battle, success is having a dedicated resource of information to fuel your decision-making process. A dedicated resource is a valuable asset for assessing your opportunities in the market. It allows you to centralize the collection and distribution of market information throughout your company, enabling employees to concentrate on core-competencies and not spending time doing sporadic research. Too often employees spend time creating isolated folders of information that provide limited benefit to the company. The key is to work with an independent resource that delivers On-Target results.

On-Target Results 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Researching the market produces two kinds of information - useful and interesting. Useful information is valuable and is the basis of informed decisions. This information is on-target with your business goals and prepares you to seize new opportunities. Interesting information is what you share with the guy next to you on the plane while en route to your next trade show; and it is also great at parties, but it won't help you grow your business. You need On-Target results. Achieving On-Target results is a product of working closely with an independent research company that specializes in individual client attention. Tailor the research to provide answers to the questions that will impact your business. Get answers to technology questions (XML, Web Services, SOAP, TCP/IP, LonWorks, BACnet); get answers to products questions (Who has it? How is it being used? How do I get it?); and identify opportunities to grow your business (What do my customers want? What is my competition doing? What changes do I need to consider?).

Find your resource to get your answers to seize your opportunities.

Strata Resource, Inc. offers independent unbiased market investigation. Strata Resource is a market research company that specializes in research and analysis of building automation technologies, companies, trends and products.

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