Article - August 2003
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Keith GipsonEMAIL INTERVIEW  Keith Gipson & Ken Sinclair

Impact Facility Solutions 

 A successful entrepreneur and business professional, Mr. Gipson co-founded in 1997 the world's first, internet based Enterprise Energy Management company, Silicon Energy Corp. 

Keith E. Gipson, CEO and CTO
Impact Facility Solutions

Sinclair: Now that you've had a chance to settle down after the BuilConn experience a couple of months ago, what are you up to?

Gipson: Well, BuilConn underscored the importance to think about Facility Management Systems from an "IT-centric" point of view. The show affected me so much that I repositioned my company, Impact Facility Solutions (, to hopefully stay ahead of the trend. So we've introduced a new platform called myfacility. The whole myfacility concept is taken from the example started by MyYahoo!

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Sinclair: In other words, the facility management system becomes a "portal".

Gipson: Yes. But not only the facility management system, but maintenance, scheduling, budgeting, etc. In fact this approach squares nicely with an ever-increasing number of customers desiring to access their system using an ASP-type model. They subscribe to the service, log on to, enter in their user name and password, and their personalized interface comes up. We also have started our own hosting services to accommodate what our customers are asking for.

Sinclair: So you're really expanding your operations?

Gipson: We're really excited, because we think we're on to something here and are starting to look for investors to help us grow our business and keep up with the anticipated demand.

Sinclair: Anything else?

Gipson: I think one "killer app" in the Facility Management industry is automated diagnostics. We're also introducing a powerful analytical tool that automatically diagnoses and recommends the appropriate action in an HVAC system, like "check the Outside Air damper on AHU #3, analysis indicates that it's forced open 100%". This output can then be directed to the Maintenance Management system where a work ticket can be generated to remove the 2x4 stuck in the damper!

Sinclair: What's the best way to get a hold of you for those interested in myfacility?

Gipson: My e-mail is 


Mr. Gipson has been a technologist for more than a decade. Starting out as a Technician with Honeywell Inc. in 1987, an Engineer at Johnson Controls in the mid-90's and at Pacific Gas and Electric in 1997.

A successful entrepreneur and business professional, Mr. Gipson co-founded in 1997 the world's first, internet based Enterprise Energy Management company, Silicon Energy Corp. The privately held company grew from three persons to a 120 plus employee, multi-million dollar company. Silicon Energy was acquired by Itron in March 2003.

Mr. Gipson was Awarded United States Patent number 6,178,362, Jan 23, 2001 as Co-inventor of: an Energy Management System and Method utilizing the Internet to perform Facility and Energy Management of large corporate enterprises.

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