August 2005

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  Ken Sinclair,

As published

August Issue

"Inside Peek" of what BuilConn is likely to be in 2006

BuilConn As this year’s winners of the Vision award at BuilConn in Dallas, Jane and I - editors and owners of, were presented an award for our vision of whole building integration and interoperability through advocacy, promotion, educational and training endeavours.

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This honour given us puts the pressure on to keep looking forward beyond the visible horizon and to try to give you the heads up on changes that are likely to shape our industry.  I constantly try to bring this information into my ES columns. Digital signage, wireless, the whos, and where of good integration solutions are all feed stock for my columns and articles.

For this column I asked Anto Budiardjo - President & CEO, Clasma Events Inc. to provide us some insight into the morphing of his BuilConn and what 2006 holds for us. Anto and I have been talking about what changes need to be made to BuilConn to keep it on the forward part of the wave or ground swell that is occurring in Building-IT convergence and Intelligent Buildings.

This was Anto’s reply:

I've been thinking of what we can say about BuilConn in 2006 in the next couple of days...

First, the facts:

Here is what can be safely said about BuilConn in 2006:

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Here is what can safely be said about other BuilConn activities planned for 2006 in North America:

I am very pleased that Anto has decided to take BuilConn on the road and California sounds like a great place to start.  There is no doubt that there are several styles of Building-IT convergence both technically and geographically. BuilConn must reflect this to keep growing and to keep positioned on the front of the wave.

Wireless is becoming a large part of what BuilConn is about and is a large part of the second annual BuilConn Europe, 8-10 November, 2005, at the Amsterdam RAI. IT Convergence, wireless sensor networks, and enterprise integration are all buzzwords of the rapidly transforming intelligent buildings industry.

I am also very pleased that in addition to taking the show on the road Anto has decided to break it down into chewable pieces, separating the informing and training of the industry’s clients from the assembly of partners, products and concepts that goes on at the Industry Summit for Building-IT Convergence. The Summit prepares us as an industry to assemble our particular resources and shows us how to go to market.  Assembling, creating, informing and training this market is a large industry task that we all must share. By focusing on the specific audience and co-locating I feel these goals can be achieved if we as an industry support Anto’s lead.


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