August 2015 |
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– George Thomas and Ken Sinclair
George Thomas, President, Contemporary Controls
George Thomas of Contemporary Controls
authored a white paper entitled
Creating an Open Controller with
Sedona Frameworktm.
Ken Sinclair
spoke to him about his paper.
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Sinclair: I see you have produced a white paper entitled Creating an Open Controller Using Sedona Frameworktm. How do you define an Open Controller?
Thomas: Contemporary Controls defines an open controller as follows:
Open Protocol
for Network Communications
BACnet is recognized as an open protocol supporting several network
variants including IP but it is not a programming language. It
defines the way data is represented and communicated over a network and
should be used in an open controller. Criticism of BACnet as not
being open is only because BACnet compliant controllers may require
different programming tools that may not be available to all system
integrators. This is an issue BACnet cannot address because it is
not involved with programming. However, BACnet has world-wide
appeal and BACnet/IP has the additional benefit of providing access to
the web-based suite of protocols making data access through web
browsers viable.
Programming Language for Implementing Control
Sedona Framework is a component-oriented programming language where
components are assembled onto wire sheets creating applications.
This language is ideally suited for graphical representation of control
strategies. It has a similar look-and-feel to the popular Niagara
Framework® and it is IP-based. Those with experience with Niagara
Framework will have no problem understanding Sedona Framework.
For those without Niagara experience, the graphical representation of
components linked on a wire sheet to create applications is intuitive
and can be easily learned with a minimum of training.
Tool Available to Systems Integrators without Restrictions
To assemble components onto a wire sheet requires a Sedona Tool.
Sedona programming tools are available from Tridium or from other
sources. Although Tridium’s Niagara Workbench is intended for
Niagara Framework programming, it can be used as a Sedona programming
tool with the installation of Sedona. Workbench is ubiquitous in
the building controls industry and available from several OEMs under
different brand names. However, it cannot be claimed to be
available to all without restriction. It is the intention of
Contemporary Controls to assist in the development of a Sedona Tool
available to all system integrators independent of their access to the
Tridium channel.
Community of
Developers and Integrators Sharing Technology for the Public Good
Contemporary Controls serves the Sedona community as both a developer
and integrator. As a developer, it produces Sedona devices and
has created special Sedona components beyond those supplied by
Tridium. As an integrator it has assembled components onto wire
sheets in creating control strategies and has offered these strategies
to its customers as example applications. Components are deployed
in kits and some kits are dependent upon the hardware platform and some
not. Those custom component kits that are hardware independent
are available free to the Sedona community in the spirit of sharing in
the development of a truly open controller.
In your definition you mention
BACnet as the protocol of choice. Why BACnet?
Thomas: I think it is quite clear that BACnet is
becoming dominant in the industry and is frequently required on
specifications. It is one of the questions I ask of systems
integrators – is BACnet required on this job. The answer is
usually yes. I like BACnet for a couple of other reasons.
It is controlled by ASHRAE and not by a particular BAS supplier.
There is no license to use BACnet. It is well supported by a
large group of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time to
improving the standard. You can reach out to a community of
people knowledgeable of BACnet. BACnet has network variants for
both serial – MS/TP – communications and IP/Ethernet communications
which fits-in nicely with Sedona because Sedona is IP-based.
But I thought Sedona Framework is
owned by Tridium and therefore not open as you contend.
Thomas: The Sedona Framework trademark is owned by
Tridium, Inc. but can be used by acknowledging the owner. More
importantly, the Sedona Framework technology is available to the public
under an Academic Free License granted by the licensor – Tridium,
Inc. A licensee is allowed the worldwide, royalty-free and
non-exclusive use of the technology. For those who want to be
part of the Sedona Community, software and documentation is available
for download from
Contemporary Controls is a community member and views this technology
as the best hope in creating a truly open controller.
Having an open controller could
also mean having an open programming tool. How are you going to
address the proprietary tool issue?
Thomas: Currently, the best way to program a Sedona
device is to use Niagara Workbench versions 3.8 or 3.7. Due to
Niagara’s popularity in the market, this tool is readily
available. First you need to install Sedona onto Workbench but
this is a simple process and you can obtain the necessary files from
our website. Next you will need to install a component bundle
which includes the necessary kits, manifests and platform for the
Sedona device you are accessing. This is not as difficult as it
sounds and for our Sedona devices we provide one component bundle that
will support all versions of our Sedona devices. The advantage of
using Workbench is that one tool can be used to program both a Tridium
JACE and a Sedona device. We call this the “one-tool solution.”
Of course Niagara Workbench is intended for those in the Tridium
channel or for Tridium OEMs. For those systems integrators
without access to Workbench, a Sedona Tool is required. Sedona
Tools exist today and we intend to offer a Sedona Tool to any competent
systems integrator.
Our Sedona devices also support BACnet and to configure BACnet requires
a simple web browser. It is our intent to use configuration tools
that are available to anyone and not to lock-out a systems integrator
by only offering proprietary configuration tools in addition to
proprietary programming tools.
In your paper you mention the roles of developer and integrator in the
Sedona community. What is the difference between these two roles?
Thomas: Sedona development tools are available at no
charge from the
site but they are intended for skilled embedded programming
professionals. From this site you can download the Sedona compiler and
a sample Sedona Virtual Machine (SVM) plus kits of components that
provide useful functionality such as logic, math and control. This site
is intended for people who develop Sedona devices who we call
Developers. Contemporary Controls is a Sedona developer since we
manufacture Sedona devices and we need to modify the basic SVM to suit
our needs plus we develop custom components deployed as kits in order
to address requests from our systems integrator customers.
The Integrator’s role is to connect a Sedona Tool to a functional
Sedona device and create an application by assembling standard and
custom components onto a wire sheet and interconnect them with
links. That would be what is typically done by systems
integrators. The point here is that both developers and
integrators are part of the Sedona community and the community is
necessary to advance the Sedona technology through collaboration and
sharing best practices. I would think the Sedona community would
be one of the Connected Communities that you write about.
Give me an example of how
collaboration would exist in the Sedona community?
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Thomas: From the site you can download
a set of Sedona kits which contain components organized by
function. We call these kits the standard Tridium Sedona 1.2 kits
and they are very useful and portable to any Sedona 1.2 device.
It is our policy to provide them in our Sedona devices without
In addition, each Sedona device provider must have some custom kits to
address the unique hardware needs of the provider’s Sedona device such
as interfacing physical I/O to the SVM. These kits carry a vendor
name and product name indicating they are custom and specific to a
particular Sedona device.
There is a third class of kits. These are developed by a Sedona
developer and can be used on any Sedona device because they are
hardware independent. They only carry a vendor name. In
discussing these components with other Sedona providers it was felt
that these components can be shared among Sedona community members in
the spirit of supporting an open controller. Usually, you just
download the component bundle from the vendor’s website.
Have you created an open
controller as you describe?
Thomas: Yes. The BAScontrol20 and BASremote are
Sedona devices built on the principles of an open controller.
How can our readers learn more?
Thomas: They can download a copy of the white paper
or learn more about Contemporary Controls at
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