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AHR Expo 2017

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Contemporary Controls to Introduce Additional Open Sedona Controllers at AHR Expo 2017

During AHR Expo 2017 in Las Vegas, Contemporary Controls will be featuring our expanded BAScontrol Series of BACnet controllers that can be freely programmed using a Sedona Tool like Niagara Workbench or Sedona Applications Editor (SAE). 

“The BAScontrol Series has been very popular with our customers looking for a controller that supports both BACnet/IP and Sedona Framework (SOX) protocols via an Ethernet connection,” said Joe Stasiek, Sales Manager. “The new controllers we added to the series share the same common core of features and differ only by I/O count or network connections.”

The new BAScontrol22S is a BACnet MS/TP Sedona Unitary controller and the new BAScontrolZ is a BACnet client controller used to drive remote I/O systems from third-party vendors such as Metz Connect and Functional Devices.  All BAScontrollers comply with Contemporary Controls’ vision of an open controller:

In addition to BACnet server compliance (B-ASC), all BAScontrollers have a common core of Sedona components – 68 from Tridium Sedona 1.2 release, and 88 from Contemporary Controls.  Using a Sedona tool, components are placed onto a wire sheet, configured, and then interconnected via links to create an application.  Program changes are immediately realized speeding commissioning.  Contemporary Controls has developed components that pass wire sheet data to web browsers or BACnet clients for increased functionality.  Now a new component called the NetV provides BACnet client functionality to any BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP server device thereby allowing a Sedona wire sheet on a BACnet client to drive inexpensive BACnet remote I/O devices distributed through a plant or building.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]The BAScontrol22S has the same basic functionality as the BAScontrol22.  However, instead of two Ethernet ports on the BAScontrol22, the BAScontrol22S has one Ethernet port for programming and troubleshooting and one MS/TP port for communications.  The BAScontrol22S appears as a freely programmable BACnet server device on the MS/TP network.

The BAScontrolZ has much the same functionality as the BAScontrol22S having one Ethernet port and one MS/TP port except it has no I/O.  Instead it gains BACnet client functionality to drive both BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP server I/O devices by incorporating the new NetV component.  For convenience, Contemporary Controls has developed custom Sedona components to handle both Metz Connect Cube I/O and Functional Devices RIB MS/TP I/O.  For other devices, multiple NetV components can be used instead.  The BAScontrolZ is a compact fully-featured Sedona controller that can be adapted to a host of remote I/O devices that lack the ability to execute programs.

Please visit us at booth C1458 during your visit to AHR Expo 2017.  To learn more about Sedona, please attend the free educational session on Monday, January 30; 10:30am – 11:30am in room N239.

Free Education Session about Sedona Framework at AHR 2017  An open control technology designed to assist system integrators in quickly implementing IP-based building automation programs. - George Thomas, President, Contemporary Controls

Opportunity for Open Control  Zach Netsov will be one of the speakers on this topic during a free industry session at AHR Expo 2017 sponsored by  The session is scheduled for 10:30am-11:30am Monday January 30, 2017 in room N239. - Zach Netsov, Product Specialist, Contemporary Controls 



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