February 2005

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  Ken Sinclair

The following information was extracted from a pdf on a very useful public web site.

High Performance Commercial Building Systems "HPCBS" Web Site http://buildings.lbl.gov/hpcbs/
Although dated, much useful information and overview of web-based demand response is contained within.

Web-based Energy Information Systems for Energy Management and Demand Response in Commercial Buildings

Motegi, N., M.A. Piette, S. Kinney, and K. Herter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Final Report, April 18, 2003, LBNL


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Energy Information Systems and Diagnostic Tools

Energy Information Systems and Diagnostic Tools are emerging technologies to help monitor and evaluate building performance.
Energy Information Systems combine software, data acquisition hardware, and communications systems to collect, analyze, and display building information to aid managers and utilities in reducing energy use and costs.
Typical architecture is shown in Figure 1.

Diagnostic tools help with
• data collection
• visualization, and
• analysis, for continuous assessment of building performance.

Figure 1. Typical Architecture of EIS

Guides for Web-Based EIS and Emerging Diagnostic Tools.

Berkeley Lab created two guides that compare, evaluate, and classify EIS and diagnostic tools and techniques. Web-Based Energy Information Systems for Energy Management and Demand Response and a Comparative Guide to Emerging Diagnostic Tools for Large Commercial HVAC Systems are now available. The EIS Guide provides a technical overview of currently available EIS products. It summarizes key features in today’s EIS, along with a categorization framework to understand the relationships among EIS, Energy Management and Control Systems (EMCS), Demand Response (DR), and similar technologies (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Types of EIS and related fields

Who Benefits?
The main purposes of the Guides are to:
[an error occurred while processing this directive] • Help potential tool users gain an understanding of this new technology, EIS, and key diagnostic capabilities that affect tool implementation with EMCS data
• Provide tool developers with feedback by identifying important features and needs for future research.

Effective use of energy information systems and diagnostic tools can:
• Reduce building energy consumption and cost by 5 to 20% or more
• Lower operations and maintenance costs
• Improve occupant comfort
• Better indoor environmental quality

More information is part of this pdf including the following links so be sure download it.


The site is funded by http://www.energy.ca.gov/pier/

The California Energy Commission's Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program supports energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects that will help improve the quality of life in California by bringing environmentally safe, affordable and reliable energy services and products to the marketplace.


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