
   February 2019

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
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Ken Sinclair

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The Dawn of Disruption

Just back from a kaleidoscope of future peeks into the Dawn of Disruption and its' Emotions @AHREXPO 2019 Atlanta.

I am always looking for the easiest way to explain what is going on. This simple diagram shows where our focus was, but now where it needs to be. Last year we saw innovation and our entry into doing new things. We were growing, finally.  This year the talk of disruption was everywhere. As an industry that will survive we need to be Doing Disruption not just watching and waiting to be disrupted.


The buzz of AHRExpo never completely happens just on the exhibit floor or at the education sessions but in the moments between in the minds of never before networked folks in the huddles in booths, halls,  buses, Uber, Lyft, taxis, bars and hotel rooms. Meaningful discussions of "Doing Disruption" before we are disrupted.

Disruption is everywhere yet at our core we still use pneumatics, Ethernet, BACnet, Niagara Framework. We are at a disruption point that is equal to what DDC did to pneumatics, What internet did to DDC   IoT is disrupting us. Disruption is making things that make the old things obsolete. Except our "things" buildings can not be made obsolete completely, at least not yet, so we need to build elegant mindful bridges between disruption, innovation, and reality.   As scary as this thought is this is just the dawn of what we will see in the following days of disruptions.

This review captures some of the disruptions from the @AHRExpo event and my ramblings that are dawning on our new digital transformation horizon.

“Open”ing Mindful Building Emotions. It links to amazing resources in powerpoints, youtube, podcasts and URLs.

How did we get on the road to disruption? This review provides further insight.

The Open Road Is Bumpy, Edgy, but Mindful

While doing disruption because we are changing everything we have an amazing opportunity to create well spent digital experiences. Building Emotion a term that I have coined is a whimsical social fabric that is draped on and is part of every building Unlocking value and opportunities from time well spent digital experiences

My younger mentors self-propelled session overfilled the room (Video capture here) opening everything, mostly our minds in this session, Next Generation HVAC Controls: Open Hardware – Open Software

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Staring into the kaleidoscope of disruption at this event convinced me that action was required, we need to hear more from these young voices who are the dawn of disruption, and I needed to sign up all these younger minds and share their thoughts with you as our newest young contributing editors.

With the capture from @AHRExpo and my young guns contributing editors sharing their thoughts, we will start the dawn of disruption.

Please meet our Young Contributing Editors.

To help you grow younger, I recommend that you look closely at the young folks around you.  Help them to gather their thoughts and share them in a meaningful way with you and the industry at large. Our future depends on it 

I shared this question in this tweet;

How do we address our industry gender imbalance as we humanize the digitalization of our industry while mindfully building emotion? This imbalance is a great opportunity to involve new minds that well understand emotion and user experience UX.

No young people around you?  Now that is a problem in today's rapid digital transformations.

My presenting partner Lawrence Ampofo, Ph.D.  Enterprise Social Media | Humane Technology | Digital Wellbeing wrote this,

I'm unable to attend the @ahrexpo today in person, unfortunately, but thankfully my talk is being delivered by @ken_sinclair. Listen to this episode where we distill my talk to its key points.

In this podcast which I wish to share with you, a building automation technologist for over 50 years "That is me" attempts to explain building emotion.  I hope my desire and excitement about including digital mindfulness as part of our disruption is heard.  I admit it is a leap, but if you roll back your eyes and imagine what you think digital mindfulness might mean and how we could use it as a tool building emotion while doing disruption,  think you can imagine a better outcome.

Digital Mindfulness Bonus Episode: Building Emotion at the AHR Expo

What are some of the highlights of disruption in this issue

charge per kWh is $1.37453 for all consumption during the Critical Peak event

a car driving up with a V2G battery ready to charge the whole building within hours?

My last advice is to keep your eyes and ears open for impending disruption in BAS.

They have decoupled hardware, software and applications in such a way that data truly is the gold, and the applications on top are what turns the gold into jewellery.

Science/Technology article not from our website,

How to improve communication between people and smart buildings. USC researchers found people connect better with a computer-generated avatar that represents building management — and small talk helped, too

As always this new issue is a nest of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting the Dawn of Disruption

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The news just keeps flowing thru our web-site, and RSS feeds daily, and of course the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine

As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from January 2019

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