January 2013 |
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Servers Which Serve Multiple Client Use Cases |
![]() Albert M. Putnam Vice President Technology Operations Cimetrics |
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Cimetrics has a keen interest in building automation servers or any
data servers which serve their data “well”. To us, to serve data well
means to serve the needs of multiple different clients, each with
different uses case, all at the same time.
Our primary concerns are about how well the device data stream can be
delivered to an enterprise system. Our specific enterprise system is
Metermetrics, but we are trying to envision the breadth of having a
couple of operator workstations, maybe a point survey tool, and perhaps
a historian - all getting data streams, possibly co-temporally (as we
mention elsewhere), for about one hundred automation devices (mostly
So we are concerned with
We are not interested in device internal mechanisms, as much as they
are abstracted from the enterprise data exchange. Our interest boils
down to data and network model if one assumes the devices have
excellent defaults and have been pre-configured or simply end-user
configured. Most of the time a device’s internal state machine is not
at issue.
Data and network delivery gets one into issues of protocol. TCP/IP
protocols are our favorites for data exchange in the widest possible
venue. Things like REST and XML have great generality and can be
augmented and wrapped to address concerns about security, availability,
semantics and so on.
But we understand the need for easy low cost multi-drop serial for tiny
end point sensors and devices – which leads to RS485. We
particularly like BACnet, but also work with Modbus. Both BACnet and
Modbus have good delivery breadth from serial all the way to TCP/IP. We
like OPC, SNMP, REST and other TCP/IP general protocols, particularly
those centered on XML with overlaid schema.
Most of our server issues are actually not issues with regard to
specific protocol standard compliance. The issues are more about good
cooperative/enterprise practice and citizenship and keeping problems
from cropping up in (automatic) data consumption.
Assertions herein are made with the assumption that an enterprise
system (not necessarily a human) and an operator workstation (not
necessarily a human) and a human will have to cope with any issue in
parallel. An unambiguous solution is called for in such a case, not a
multitude of options. Bear in mind again that the concerns are not so
much about protocols standard adherence though we will mention issues
that we have with that, too, in as much as it is a factor along the way
to getting to a data stream delivered.
We like the server to be clearly identified via network:
Make, model, vendor should be easy to find. Description and location
information are important. The server should have a clear and fixed
list of objects to portray its data. The names of the objects should be
clear and descriptive like Temperature-Input-Duct-4 (NOT names like
AV-120). Periods, commas and spaces in object/device names are
problematic. Common separators will interact poorly in enterprise
databases and spreadsheets – often being the default decimal place and
record delineation. Descriptions should be clear, whether in a manual or
contained in objects.
Units should be well defined and interact well with the spirit of the
protocol they are embedded within. This varies. Modbus has no concept
of units and they must be conveyed in allied documentation. But it is
important for such a system that units do not suddenly change out from
underneath the client. Bear in mind the overriding mandate of multiple
possible enterprise clients. A server should have a clear and
relatively unchanging opinion of what it delivers and not be pulled
this way and that by different clients.
BACnet is object oriented and does a good job of keeping things clear,
but some servers go astray. Proprietary units and properties are some
of those ways. Proprietary engineering units are problematic. These
should be avoided for good multi-client enterprise exchange. It is not
that they should be disallowed. It is simply that proprietary units
often arrive in a device due to unintended consequences of
pre-configuration process (except for some devices which simple have
sets of objects with all proprietary units where the builder did not
even go to the trouble of trying to be transparent to a wide set of
clients and/or flexible for said clients). The proprietary units should
be avoided in the following way:
In any pre-configuration discourse (form, discussion, spreadsheet) the
specifying entity (for use by cooperating end consumer clients) should
be warned that their units/measure selection will result in a
proprietary unit (potentially non-interoperable in target end case
enterprise database uses), and options should be suggested which result in
standard units.
BACnet has not covered all units. BACnet covers almost all reasonable
physical deliverables (including things like currency) in both SI and
imperial measures (and even a few others where the domain warrants),
but it cannot cover everything. Some domains want to have their “unit”
include something about assumptions about the nature/quality of the
deliverable. Some examples of this are apparent and reactive energy, shaft versus consumed
horsepower, and gauge versus absolute pressure. Units are units. They
describe the nature of conformance to the dimensions of the physical
universe, and the assumptions about qualities should reside in
Issues of nomenclature have some that prefer litres and others that
prefer milli-cubic-meters. Both are valid SI. The answer here is to
accept what BACnet (and the world) has done as imperfect and go with
what exists and is close enough.
Issues of conformance magnitude or nomenclature arise. One “mode” of
units might use litres and another mode might use cubic meters. Some
like W versus kW versus MW. There are clear size differences here, but
luckily BACnet analog values and objects in OPC and XML are generally
floating points and can go through the range with their exponent.
Enterprise databases are comfortable with the floating point exponent
Again first look to what standard TCP/IP object oriented protocols have
provided and what enterprise databases accept. Keep also in mind that a
diversity of client opinion might exist. Collection systems have no
preference beyond this and treat all as equal. The designer can expose
preferences - like taking the “shortest string” or “least unit
prefixes” approaches - in descriptions… Nuances are up to the designer
in their domain. But a device should have a fixed and forever
opinion/default in its basics. The domain does not change over night at
a site, and so the units range should not change overnight.
This issue of firmness is not about pushing decisions/opinions on a
domain. But it is about the enterprise (and myriad clients)
demanding of the
device that it not be lukewarm on the matter of what
units/representations are best. It is about a device doing the best it
can in an imperfect world to firmly meet the needs of enterprise
collection and monitoring systems. In short, when designing a device,
keep the needs of multiple enterprise clients in mind.
Breadth of data is important to enterprise systems. Let us concentrate on meters.
For example we like to make sure that the following are included in meter sensors:
- Flow
- Consumption
- Time average of flow (Demand)
- Quality or qualities of the flow (temperatures and pressures for
fluids, for electric this might include phase variation, harmonic
distortion, and other variances)
Some meters are multi-channel - think phase in electric and fast/slow
in some sorts of two stage meter. Such should have all above for each
stage/channel. Some meters do directional binning (delivered and
received). Some meters do time domain binning (time-of-use, TOU,
periods). Such should have all above for each bin. Some meters have
bin/stage/channel aspects and can be considered separate meters and
treated (reasonably) as totally separate and disjoint devices. But
there are cases where inter channel bin/channel (or external)
interactions are also being metered, e.g. for inter-leakage (say ground
current) or phase (where intrinsically what is being measured is a
relation between channels).
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Roughly, from the above, a meter should have about zero to five base
parameters and then about five to ten parameters per channel bin. An
average meter (as much as there is such a thing) has about two to four
bins. This suggests that a meter has about ten to forty parameters of
interest depending on how many bins/channels/phases it has.
Networking constructs sometimes deserve note in end devices. Method of
discovery enablement and broadcast redirection (BBMD and FD in BACnet)
are useful on TCP/IP networks. Devices which are actually a collection
of internal virtual devices (possible under a BACnet physical layer –
even MSTP and PTP) must have good defaults for network settings and
ways to make clear the import of these settings to end-users. For OPC
and XML this must be layered in auxiliary discovery services.
Multi-client access sequencing is key. It is not a good idea to allow
configuration of a device via the channel the enterprise uses to
extract data, but given that almost all enterprise system clients will
not attempt to write configuration to their own ends (they are
expecting another supervisory system to act in parallel in that role)
then we can be agnostic on this. Assume the clients will not come
single file and that there might be eight of them asking for data at
any given instant. A device may choose to sequence or defer responses,
but it should avoid ignoring or dropping requests.
Overall, if you have to take away a single concept, think of the
enterprise which a server serves, not as a single client, but as an
aggregation of clients with different needs and goals; clients who all
would like direct access to the data flows; clients who are willing to
be hands off on configuration, but also expect the same from all
others; clients who cooperate to get the most from their servers’
services; clients who expect their use cases to be met, and for the
servers to serve.
[Metermetrics] http://www.cimetrics.com/index.php/energy-information-solutions.html
[REST] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
[Modbus] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modbus
[OPC] (particularly OPC XML DA)
[SNMP] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Network_Management_Protocol
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