
July 2017

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Across My Desk

snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop 
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Every month there is a blizzard of information contained in the emails and newsletters that cross my desk on their way to Some of this information is not in the form of any type of content we can publish but I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and URL links that are about to fall off my desktop.

The Moodmetric ring and app are the simplest solution to measure stress and recovery. The measurement gives accurate and real-time data on the fluctuating stress levels. The ring and app are easy to use and enable measurement in long term. Several weeks´ measurement gives the best tool to manage stress.

Microsoft squeezed AI onto a Raspberry Pi This will put you on the edge :) Have a great weekend

What is the Building Energy Performance Gap?  The difference between promised energy savings in supposedly “smart” or “green” buildings and the actual energy performance recorded by a building’s submeters or energy management system is commonly referred to as the building energy performance gap.

“Where College Seniors Are Falling Short” — more than 60% of employers feel that today’s recent college graduates are ill prepared for the professional job market, unfamiliar with the companies and industries they seek to enter and even falling down on simple steps like sending thank-you notes after interviews. A third of all applications for entry-level roles today come from unqualified candidates, the survey found.

Apple Looks to Make the iPhone a Health Databank – Rumoured to be Eyeing Athenahealth Buy Santa Clara, Calif. – June 20, 2017 – Comment by Kamaljit Behera, Industry Analyst, Healthcare, Visionary Innovation Group:This is not the first attempt by a tech company - Google Health (now defunct) and Microsoft HealthVault are earlier examples. While Google Health didn't have sufficient traction, it also may have been too early in the game. Microsoft HealthVault is still available as a service - but how successful it has been is arguable.

Has your BACnet network ever been hit with a sudden wave of devastating issues? Devices going offline and refusing to come back on; a network that has slowed to a crawl; or breakers randomly restarting? If you aren’t regularly looking at your BACnet network’s health, you could be in for surprises like these. Small problems might be simmering under the surface, only to be set off by a small network addition. Insight into your building network is crucial to managing it. Without a keen awareness of your network’s health and behaviour, you’ll be perpetually trying to fix symptoms without attacking the underlying problem. This requires getting regular packet captures (pcaps) — at least daily, but ideally more — so you can dive into the details and understand your network’s health over time. Staying on top of those regular captures is impossible, though, when your time and energy are already stretched to their limits.

How Does WiFi Work?  -  8 Things You Didn’t Know About Wifi  Ah, good ‘ole WiFi. From helping us to keep our phone bill low (except March, goddammit) to allowing our laptops/tablets/etc. to connect to the internet, WiFi has been a ubiquitous companion that we’ve all come to know and love. WiFi is also useful for some IoT applications (wait, what is IoT?), such as building and home automation or in-house energy management. For many other IoT applications, WiFi is absolutely useless. Given the importance of WiFi to our everyday lives and to certain IoT applications, here are 8 interesting things about WiFi that you didn’t know

20 Building Management & Automation Video Examples [an error occurred while processing this directive] that are on the spot. Watch these videos to get ideas for marketing your own building management offering. Here we go. Efficient building management is becoming not only more important, but also a more complex challenge. Nowadays organizations use multiple systems to monitor and control their buildings, ranging from fire and intrusion alarm to access control, video surveillance and building automation systems. Video marketing makes it much easier to reach out on a wide range of audience and works wonders for any organisation offering such services.

Bridging the skill gap with autodidactic open education  The event is about the intersection of commercial and corporate real estate, technology, automation, and innovation. Some speculate that there are 1,000,000 IT jobs and 500,000 facility jobs currently vacant due to a skills gap. We are constantly striving to grow our industry younger, yet we fall short of quantity, quality, and connection to the young folks.

The Sensor Suitcase is a portable case that contains easy-to-use sensors and other equipment that make it possible for anyone to identify energy-saving opportunities in small commercial buildings. The automated and reusable system combines hardware and software in one package so its users can identify cost-effective measures that save small commercial buildings about 10 percent on their energy bills.

2017 Lynxspring Exchange & Technology Showcase as we bring together customers, partners, system integrators, contractors, building operators and facility managers, engineers, service technicians, OEMs and IoT executives and practitioners to connect, converse, exchange, and learn about today's operating systems and solutions for operating facilities smarter, safer, securely, efficiently and at peak performance levels.


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