June 2016 |
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Summary of the CABA Conference in San Diego Cybersecurity has become a major issue for building owners as well as corporate entities. |
Certified Infrastructure Consultant CARLINI & ASSOCIATES (since 1986) Strategic Infrastructure Consultants james.carlini@sbcglobal.net |
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of the efforts done so far in cybersecurity are nothing more than
building an ineffective Maginot Line for cyber-defenses.”
I pointed this out on a morning keynote panel discussion on Intelligent
Infrastructure and Cybersecurity moderated by Roberta Gamble, of Frost
& Sullivan, at the annual Continental Automated Buildings
Association (CABA) Conference held at the end of last month. The
panel discussed some of the issues facing real estate property owners
who need to insure their buildings are not being overrun by hackers or
other malicious intrusions. Cybersecurity has become a major issue for
building owners as well as corporate entities.
CABA held its Intelligent Buildings and
Digital Homes Forum conference
in San Diego at the Handlery Hotel and Resort in San Diego on April
26th to the 28th. Executive Director, Ron Zimmer, was happy with
the turnout of over 190 executives who came out to discuss the real
estate market and some of the key issues facing them when it comes to
new strategies like supporting the Internet of Things (IoT) for
attracting and maintaining corporate tenants in commercial buildings
and cybersecurity. There was also a track of sessions on the
evolution of digital homes and their focus on energy management and
There were many companies represented at the event from CISCO,
Honeywell, IBM, INTEL, Frost & Sullivan, Realcomm, and Siemon to
other national and international real estate and electronics companies,
like CBRE, Cadillac-Fairview, JJL, PLC, General Electric, and others.
“The Internet of Things is only as
good as the Internet of Reality: the Network Infrastructure.”
This was one of the conclusions I
presented in my keynote address on the first day of the
Conference. With more companies installing sensors, cameras, and
other digital devices driven by software and servers, the network needs
to be able to handle all of this increased traffic.
Between now and the year, 2020, we are anticipating a large growth in
the number of devices. Today, there are about 10,000,000,000 wireless
devices out there. By the year 2020, the amount of devices is
predicted as follows by the three companies listed:
MORGAN-STANLEY 75,000,000,000
With this amount of predicted growth, we need to insure the network
infrastructure can handle that amount of devices and their anticipated
growth in traffic from new applications.
It All Started
A basic timeline for the evolution of standalone, intelligent buildings
in the early 1980s into Intelligent Business Campuses of today:
1984-1986 - Initial concept, initial
buildings - The initial idea of new, Intelligent Amenities
versus Traditional Building Amenities to attract a higher-caliber of
tenant. Shared Tenant Services (shared phone systems and office
automation), early Building Energy Management Systems (computerized
versus manual controls), and internal network infrastructure became the
building owners' responsibilities. The IBI (Intelligent Buildings
Institute in Washington, DC), came up with some basic definitions and
new terminology.
Most of the momentum dropped off when the real estate industry skidded
to a slowdown in 1989 through the early 1990s. (Note: I wrote
several papers focusing on the difference between traditional building
amenities and new intelligent amenities like computer and
telecommunication services as well as concept of comparing buildings in
a whitepaper, “Measuring a Building’s
IQ” in Real Estate Review in 1985.)
In 1988, Johnson Controls came out with, The Intelligent Building Sourcebook,
a comprehensive published by Prentice-Hall. In this book, I wrote
a chapter on “Measuring a Building’s
IQ”. The idea of comparing buildings based on their intelligent
amenities started over three decades ago when working with JMB Realty,
I designed a Building Test which measured three areas: Information
Systems, Telecommunication Systems and Building Automation
Systems. I compared six commercial buildings in the downtown
Seattle area in 1986 (thirty years ago). This was the first
endeavor at measuring intelligent amenities offerings between
commercial buildings in a major metropolitan area and coming up with a
score to compare buildings.
1990s - Some progress in the
area of building infrastructure, but other concepts were not really
adopted or refined by majority of the real estate industry. The
integration of cabling systems grew and a 1999 Initiative in Taiwan
started a resurgence (development of Intelligent Industrial Parks
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Fiber optics started to play a larger role in network infrastructure
and mission critical networks.
One of the big breakthroughs was the design of the Chicago 911
Emergency Communications Center where we demanded that trunks to the
two supporting central offices be fiber optics, and not copper. We also
connected 80 police and fire buildings with fiber on a 176-mile network
across the city. At that time (1995), no other entity except for a
network carrier had so many miles of fiber in the ground for a
communications network.
2000s - More adoption, more
sophistication, more integration. Evolution to multiple
intelligent buildings and campuses occurred, not just single,
standalone buildings. Clusters of buildings in Intelligent Business
Campuses (IBCs in US), more Intelligent Industrial Parks (IIPs) in Asia
(Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea), and use of redundant
broadband connectivity (Fiber Optics, multiple network carriers)
2010s – Continuing clusters of
buildings - more IBCs and IIPs (commercial) across most continents.
The new impact of Smartphones as the new "edge technology" was being
adopted across many areas. Single venue developments for
Smartphones (NFL Stadiums, Ball Parks), to multi-venue
Intelligent Retail/Entertainment/ Convention center (IREC) complex and
the new concept of an area covered electronically (the "Virtual
Resort") where a multi-venue area is developed for improving regional
economic development (Cross-marketing of retail, other venues,
eCoupons, eDiscounts, customer demographics(Big Data), and increased
sales taxes for municipality).
As we move forward, the impact of the growth in devices and sensors in
buildings will demand more expertise in electrical contractors, network
engineers, and system integrators to insure all these systems work
flawlessly in a compatible environment.
At the conference, all the CABA Board of Directors were given a copy of
the visionary book on the convergence of Real Estate, Infrastructure,
Technology, and regional Economic Development as Smartphones and
Tablets become the new edge technology.
Remember, 20th century real estate and technology solutions cannot
solve 21st century challenges in this new market. Get this
comprehensive book and understand the new market:
To contact James Carlini, reach him at 773-370-1888 or james.carlini@sbcglobal.net
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