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June theme "Researching & Reinventing Not Normal"
Our June issue includes many great articles/columns , interviews and reviews about how COVID-19 is changing everything in our world creating our Not Normal.
For a quick summary Read our review
COVID-19 New Normal Not Normal
As I started to research what the New Normal might look like it became very obvious that Not Normal will prevail.
The new normal will not be any normal we know. It is a complete global reboot of our existing way of life and organization, everything involved in purpose, process, work location, and local variations. Our human social/physical distancing needs to be addressed in our cities, transportation, buildings, and our complete world. The connected world is now physically apart but more virtually connected than ever.
Overload. There are too many processes running under this userid. Please wait a minute and try again. (fork failed)Read our review COVID 19 - Research, Reinvent, Recreate, Reboot - Repeat if Necessary Your Reboot needs to include "Antifragility" the acknowledgment that returning to baseline is not good enough in a world full of disorder and constant change.
COVID 19 - As we recover and return from
all being sent home "our global reboot" we need to research and analyze
the virus events that changed the world and caused our need for social
isolation while grasping the realization that we are all globally
As the world recovers and returns "Reboots" we need to watch those that have flattened their curve and are rebooting first, to learn what works and what will cause the next crash. There will be crashes of our new global operating systems, we need to fail fast and identify those failures. Recover quickly while Reinventing ourselves, Recreating our new Reboot strategies then Reboot - and then keep Repeating this process till we get it correct or at least correct or acceptable for that moment in time.
Your Reboot needs to include "Antifragility" the acknowledgment that returning to baseline is not good enough in a world full of disorder and constant change.
Some have challenged my choice of the
word reboot in the computer sense as it alway takes us back to the same
place but I was thinking of it in the literal definition "When the
holder of the intellectual property discards all existing continuity
and starts from scratch it is known as rebooting."
Was pleased to provide the input into "The Impacts of COVID-19 On Intelligent Buildings" Here is voice track from CABA presentation we start at 5:15 into the meeting.
Be sure to download and read Haystack Connections Spring 2020 “The Mission: Making Data Easy to Work With” - John Petze, Executive Director, Project Haystack & Marc Petock, Executive Secretary, Project Haystack.
Some great articles in this Haystack pdf by several new authors.
This just in from Marc Petock Contributing Editor
has demonstrated the importance of smart building readiness. It also is
going to have a lasting impact on the way building owners and operators
think about the importance of automation control frameworks and
building operating platforms.
Building owners and operators realize
that there is no silver bullet to protect against the likes of a
COVID-19 and that it will take a multi-layered strategy and approach.
They are looking for new assessments to mitigate risk exposure with
installed systems, particularly HVAC and mechanical systems that do not
have the capacity or resiliency to maintain higher levels of
ventilation, higher filtration rates and longer hours of operation.
Owners and operators are seeing a
greater value proposition in investing in better controllability of
their building's systems and indoor environments. Better control leads
to the ability to minimize risk and prepare facilities for occupants to
return to buildings that are safe, healthy, and trusted.
Marc Petock Chief Marketing & Communications Officer Lynxspring, Inc.
always this new issue is a nest of great articles, columns, reviews,
new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news
depicting our rapidly evolution to not normal and journey back to our buildings.
all our sponsors you saw their ads on the AutomatedBuildings.com
web-site and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving
Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view
their valuable products and services. Please review all Our Sponsors.
The news just keeps flowing thru our web-site, and RSS feeds daily, and
of course the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast
quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine
As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.
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