Review - March 2002
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CABA Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council 

Review by Ken Sinclair.

CABA has formed the CABA Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council to help develop the Technology Roadmap

The purpose of this CABA Member Council is to identify large building automation initiatives that will move the industry forward.

 The Intelligent Buildings (IB) Council’s overall objective is to work on “large building” issues and opportunities that allow CABA to achieve its mission, which is: “To encourage the development, promotion, pursuit and understanding of integrated systems and automation in homes and buildings.” 

Extracts from their power point presentation:

Vision of Intelligent Buildings Technologies IBT

Systems capable of controlling, monitoring and supporting building and/or campus with standards based, redundant low cost implementation.


[an error occurred while processing this directive]Industry concerns regarding poor coordination 


Provide vision of IBT future

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 Project Team Todate

Project Management: CABA


Defines Intelligent Buildings institutional, commercial and high-rise residential 


[an error occurred while processing this directive]IBT are the enabling technologies to provide an Intelligent Building that is 

A building and its infrastructure which provides the owner, operator and occupant with an environment which is flexible, effective, comfortable and secure through the use of integrated technological building systems, communications and controls.

Want to see the complete power point presentation? Click below

Who is CABA?

CABA (the Continental Automated Buildings Association) is North America's key source for information, education, and networking relating to home and building automation. Its mission is to encourage the development, promotion and adoption of business opportunities in the home and building automation industry.

Members include manufacturers, dealers, installers, telecommunications companies, energy utilities, builders, consultants, research organizations, publishers, educational institutions, governments and associations.

CABA's numerous publications are recognized by many in the industry for providing more information about the home and building automation market than any other single source in the United States and Canada.

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