November 2012 |
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– Steve Jones
and Ken
The S4 Group, Inc
Steve Jones, Managing Partner
The S4 Group is a
developer of gateway technology to integrate disparate technologies and
systems in the building automation industry and other non-IT vertical
The S4 Group and the Connection Community
The Connection Community is member directed, member moderated, very
agile, and can frequently morph itself to meet the needs of its
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Sinclair: What do Connection Communities mean to The S4 Group?
Jones: Let’s talk about traditional industry associations, trade groups, etc. first. These traditional communities differentiate themselves through technology, communication strategies, and the membership experience. These communities sustain themselves through membership dues and volunteer resources. The community administration sets the rules and standards for the industry to follow within the community. The very fact that the association makes the rules ensures that it becomes a closed community, so that it begins to look very proprietary even if its mission is to promote open and interoperable systems.
Sinclair: OK, but what makes Connection Communities different?
Jones: Connection Communities can do everything that these traditional communities have been doing, but they go a very important step farther. They empower every member to be an active participant and to drive the direction of the Connection Community. In effect, the Connection Community is member directed, member moderated, very agile, and can frequently morph itself to meet the needs of its membership.
Sinclair: Are you saying that traditional associations should change into Connection Communities?
Jones: Not necessarily. The traditional associations are a good place to start collecting information about the challenges and opportunities that exist in different aspects of the Building Automation industry. When I founded The S4 Group 10 years ago, I contacted BACnet, LON, and OPC communities to seek guidance in market data and directions that were being pursued by all of the industry‘s leading manufacturers. They were willing to help me and offered a great deal of information in print as well as in conversation. While the focus of each community was predominately one dimensional, I kept that in perspective and appreciate everything I was able to learn.
Sinclair: So, how should traditional communities change?
Jones: I think they need to recognize that the “one size fits most” approach does not serve their membership appropriately. A perfect example of breaking out of that mold is the work that BACnet International is doing in proposed addendum Add-135-2010al to the BACnet standard, which specifies best practices for gateway design and is currently undergoing public review 3.
Sinclair: Wait a minute, you drifted off into talking about technology. We were talking about Connection Communities.
Jones: I agree. But they are intertwined. If you look at most of the traditional communities in our industry, each one is focused around a technology. What the BACnet community is very quickly embracing is the fact that there are legacy systems that are still very serviceable, there are evolving technologies that perform very specific tasks that BACnet is not suited to address, for instance the EnOceanŽ wireless and energy harvesting technology, and there other industries that the BAS community in general needs to interoperate with. Gateway technology, such as our S4 Open Appliances, is the enabling technology of interoperability. Even more important are the cultural changes that have to happen within the traditional communities. As technology advances, it encourages discourse between community members and facilitates open communications between the standards bodies and the trade association that supports the technology on the other side of the gateway. Open communication is vital to the success of both.
Sinclair: Since you opened up that door tell me what role technology should play in Connection Communities?
Jones: The emphasis on particular hardware or software needs to be subordinate to problem solving and improving life’s experience for the participants. That is, hardware and software should be looked at as tools, not as the end goal.
Sinclair: Does The S4 Group have a Connection Community?
Jones: No, and I don’t think we ever will have a dedicated Connection Community. We have a web site, I host a blog, we publish FAQs and case studies, we periodically publish articles on, and we utilize social networking to reach out to our partners and their customers. In all of these efforts we aim to facilitate two-way communication. I think we are best served by supporting the existing communities and helping them to become more responsive to member needs and more receptive to working together with other communities.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sinclair: Can you point to an example of an ideal Connection Community?
Jones: I don’t think the ideal exists. However, I think that the HVAC-Talk site is leading the pack. They don’t call themselves a Connection Community but they certainly function as one. One day you might respond to questions other people have posted, the next day you might be on the other side asking for help, and at some point in time you might find yourself acting as a forum moderator. DIY questions are discouraged, so it really is a Connection Community of HVAC professionals working together for the benefit of each other and their customers. Notice that I didn’t say anything about technology. There are a lot of technology-based questions posted and answered about many different manufacturers’ products. But, the key is that members can look to the various forums for information or advice on almost anything- be it technical, business, marketing, and so forth.
Sinclair: As the Connections Communities model unfolds, what changes do you anticipate in making in order to fit?
Jones: I think that as a
company the S4 Group is already there. Because
of the functionality provided by our S4 Open appliances, we support
multiple proprietary, de facto, and open standards and promote open
systems. Success with the technology necessitates active participation
in multiple communities, facilitating communications between our
partners, and getting people, as well as technology, working together
for a common cause.
Sinclair: Do you think that Connection Communities are a good thing?
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