November  2020

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Mr. Linkair

Do not just talk about Transformation and how it links our past knowns to the uncertainties of our future unknowns. "Just Do It!"

Unabridged Version

Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher

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Do not just talk about Transformation and how it links our past knowns to the uncertainties of our future unknowns. "Just Do It!"  By better understanding our known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns, we need to "Just Do It"  as discussed in our last chapter Navigated Never Never.

As social media constantly narrows our focus by presenting more subject matter about our known knowns, "what we already know", we need to explore the greater diversity of all subject matter related to our focus and learn more about known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.

So how can your author and his pioneering web site Transform and Navigate Never Never help?

We chat about this below in an online video interview. The medium is alway part of the message and moving your focus from my humble blog to the world of online oceans of content with myriad of presentation mediums is part of my personal Never Never journey to promote and connect those messages which are important to my people. was started in 1999 before blogging was a thing, we called it an online magazine or emagazine.

Episode 380 ControlTalk NOW with Ken Sinclair (aka Mr. Linkair) Automated Buildings’ October Theme: Transformation + “Tossing Transformation Torches”

Ken Sinclair aka Mr. Linkair, began his crusade in 1999. Ken’s natural instincts and his selfless desire to collect, link, and share relevant BAS and HVAC information has led to the growth of Automated Building’s unparalleled  on-line readership. Now, during the most disruptive period of the BAS and HVAC evolution, we are grateful that Ken and Automated Buildings continue to hold the torches of transformative change high enough for us to see our way forward.

The new evolving model of is to connect and link to the amazing amount of articles and blog bits that folks like you and many others are publishing on your own blogs and newsletters. We leave them in place as published and as illustrated but tell the world where they are and provide links to them. They are amazing content and known well by your networks but no one else knows about them.  I feel we can add new value by linking them to a subject matter website like and feel this would be a good transition for us and of value to the industry.

As an old guy in the industry it looks to me like our online magazine 1999 roots when we and everyone else started their own dot com and no one could find them until we started linking them together under the umbrella of a subject matter B2B website. I have alway been Mr Linkair, this is just business as usual in an unusually transformed world.

Everyone is now in the online publication industry and doing it much better than us but these self created flaming torches are burning everywhere on your own websites and on many social media platforms with a dated posting. There is a need to collect these industry gems on a subject matter online service like ours to curate, document industry discussion and explore the interaction of the tossed torches and find new value in our core. Discussing who is getting ignition from the flames and who is burnt in place are important discussions.

Some of the best blog sites have been curated by other people. They've taken the time to find online blogs and put them into a list that's easy for anyone to look through.

Here is a fun approach on how to explore, understand, and incorporate our diversities;

Toby Ruckert Polymath, Founder/CEO UIB makes music with his newsletter and this advice.... now that is diversity

I'm starting this newsletter under this motto of "Modern Times" - where new ideas, innovation and technologies are emerging at an unprecedented accelerating pace. Remembering our human values, individual roots and identities will play an important role to help us cope with the speed, uncertainties and the challenges associated with such transformation. The best way to leverage our abilities is to spot the opportunities.

The Young and Restless - My Younger Connected Mentors who constantly educate me are becoming the new "Linkair's" while introducing us to the new shakers and movers in our industry.

I am always applauding those who are leading and carrying the torches of transformation and building on the ashes of

I am extremely proud of my younger mentors.  Watching them grow and evolve is one of my great pleasures. It is their time and they need to be heard. I feel the context of our histories "known knowns" are important building blocks for them to build on.

Our contributing Editor from Sweden Nicolas Waern "The Building Whisperer" - Making buildings talk to people -  is no longer whispering he is now shouting as  "The Smart World Architect" - Enabling decision-makers to create a better future and has created his own Podcast.   Well done Nicolas.

11 episodes of the Beyond Buildings Podcast. What have we learned, and what thoughts and questions have arisen from the first two episodes?

Falling in love with Smarter Buildings. In episode one of the series we talked to Tommy Hagenes who came from the building automation side and is working with Smart Technology and is a driving force in the Proptech space. We talked about what he is doing, what the differences were with APIs, BACnet introduction, secure communication to and from the building and that BACnet still has its place. It was a great episode and I remember laughing and learning a lot. It ended with us discussing if building connectivity challenges.

Questions after the episode:

·        Should building automation systems be in the cloud?

·        Should logic reside on the edge?

·        What will 5G and distributed intelligence, small footprint AI-algorithms have to do in a Smart Building setting of the future?

·        What is the ultimate connectivity strategy to create sustainable buildings with a software/hardware layer that can pass the test of time?

·        Do we need a decoupling of hardware and software?

“AI is not a magic wand; it is not Terminator; it does not mean dystopia; it is just a tool. Treat it as a tool designed to make lives simpler.” - Garry Kasparov - Dealing with inevitability

Another of our contributing editors Sudha Jamthe the CEO of IoTDisruptions teaches AI and AV courses for business professionals online at Stanford Continuing Studies and on"

The Humanity of AI Automation

Everything we do is woven by a social fabric across global cultures.  If covid has taught us one thing about humanity, it is that we are social beings irrespective of whether we are deep-thinking-introverts or think-aloud-extroverts. Now as we shelter-in-place in a global pandemic and work remotely, educate our children online, move conferences that were the setting of the B2B sales cycles fully online, have charities host galas online, musicians and talk show hosts entertain us from their homes, sports teams watch on remote boxes of screens, the common missing thread is the social interaction of our everyday lives.

I am very impressed with the efforts of James Dice;  Writer, question-asker, community-builder Denver, Colorado and his Nexus offering

Why does Nexus exist?  My whole career, I’ve been wanting more unbiased, in-depth content on the smart buildings industry. How is the industry changing and where is it going? Which new technology products are hype and which are disruptive? I’ve learned it takes a lot of time to wade through marketing pitches, research papers, and shallow articles to find the signal in the noise. Nexus is my attempt at sharing my evolving lens on the industry with you—without the fluff.

Nexus is a community of engineers, energy managers, technology vendors, building operators, and real estate investors. Like you, we’re trying to bridge the gap between two cultures—that of technology on one end and millions of commercial buildings on the other—to understand where we’re headed as an industry.

Available linkable free resources are truly amazing and related topics that add diversity to our mission are many, some great examples here,

McKinsey & Company Visualize the physical, economic and emotional impact of COVID-19 in a whole new way through our interactive data displays

The CREM's Digital Toolbox Download the workplace leader's handbook of digital tools today and step up to the challenges of tomorrow. Being a Corporate Real Estate Manager in 2020 is more difficult than it ever has been. Faced with so much disruption and unprecedented developments, where do workplace leaders even begin to find their bearings? This Workplace Leader's Handbook is designed to guide you through the transformation coming to the workplace.

Alan Rusbridger on how to manage perpetual newsroom change: 'I'm your leader, trust me - is not going to work'  The old economic model was clearly failing – but who could say with any confidence that the new one would work? Journalists who were experts in one medium (words) were being asked to “multitask” (ugh!) in others (video, pictures, blogs, data, audio.) There was an entirely new relationship with the audience. And then there was social media: Use it? Ignore it? Blow it up? As for metrics….

New Software Roles Drive Confusion and Contention Harbor Research is a growth strategy consulting and venture development firm that partners with leading manufacturers, service providers and technology developers to discover, design and develop smart systems and Internet of Things growth opportunities.

While many will point to a specific OEM’s software strategy, lack of marketing investment, or potential technical missteps as the cause of such failures, Harbor believes that many of them can be traced to a broader confusion about roles. Sometimes companies need to ask themselves, “Who are we, and what part should software play in our business and for our customers in the market?” Spectacular failures can occur when players either fail to ask the question or answer it wrong.

Seek diversity, talk to people you disagree with, learn why, explore known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Find new links that will lead to the transformation of the subject matter of your purpose and passion.

Mr Linkair

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