Article - Nov99
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 Is our industry listening to the wake up calls of the information revolution?

Ken Sinclair has been an Automation and Energy Consultant over 30 years, and has been extremely interested in the transition of direct digital control to web based presentation.

Preamble: Ken Sinclair, Editor and Owner of prepared the following article, for the joint meeting of the Golden Gate and San Jose ASHRAE Chapters on Dec 2nd at the San Mateo Marriott. I welcome this opportunity to share my thoughts with the two ASHRAE chapters that carry on their business in the center of the Internet industry for America. These are exciting times and the exchange of concepts on how we are or are not converging with the information revolution will help us all better understand our position in this radical change in the way we do business. My understanding of convergence in the industry comes from reviewing over 200 industry web sites and editing and publishing articles. Please help me present the actual facts by sharing your views and/or late breaking concepts. Email or call 250-656-5378, Pacific Standard Time. Your input will be reflected in my presentation. It would be great if you could come out and join us at this ASHRAE joint chapter meeting. Contact the local chapters for details. 

I am hoping that after the presentation a lively discussion from the floor will erupt on what works and what does not. I will try to keep us all focused on the topic of "What is Successful Convergence and What May Result in a Collision?

It is also timely that the November issue of our online Ezine "The Automator" has the theme "How the web is changing our industry". Several great industry articles on this subject are now on line.