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for December -
AutomatedBuildings.com speaks at Dallas Expo
"State of the Art" Capabilities in Building Automation
Come and listen as we explore the latest advances in "Intelligent Building Systems." This FREE 1/2 hour presentation will offer attendees a quick overview of everything from the basics to the outer limits of Building Automation and Integration. See how far the automation of Commercial and Residential buildings has gone in the year 2000 and find out how these advanced capabilities might benefit you.
Presented By:
Ken Sinclair, Editor,
J. Branson, Sr VP, Compliance Services Group, Inc.
December Update includes a new feature - our Web Site Map located on the home page, plus a rework of your favourite resource our link library. The large number of links was becoming an issue to download for readers using low speed access. The link library has been restructured into four sections with an index page. The smaller segments load much faster and allow us the ability to expand this service. Several new sections have also been added: Independent Automation Representatives, Component & Product Distributors, Commissioning & Optimization Providers, and Network Service Providers.
A new library resource Acronyms & Definitions has also been added to help you keep current with all the annoying acronyms that we must learn to understand our future. Please send us more as you find them.
New links have been added to our Link Library so check out their services.
News for November - California here I come! Editor Ken Sinclair has been invited to be the guest speaker at the joint meeting of the Golden Gate and San Jose ASHRAE Chapters, Dec 2nd at the San Mateo Marriott. I welcome this opportunity to share my thoughts with the two ASHRAE Chapters that conduct their business in the center of the Internet industry for America. My topic is: Are Automated Buildings Converging or Colliding with the Internet?
Please help me present the actual facts by sharing your views and/or late breaking concepts. Email sinclair@automatedbuildings.com or call 250-656-5378, Pacific Standard Time. Your input will be reflected in my presentation. It would be great if you could come out and join us at this ASHRAE joint chapter meeting. Contact the local Chapters for details. http://www.ggashrae.org/calendr.htm
It is also timely that the November issue of our online Ezine "The Automator" has the theme "How the Web is Changing Our Industry". Several great industry articles on this subject are now online.
This issue's cartoon pokes fun at a serious concern, the digital haves and have nots in our industry. As part of the industry embraces the information revolution and our convergence, another part is attempting to carry on business as it did in the past, ignoring the signs of change. Our industry is too small to be divided; reach out and help someone who is struggling with the rapid technological changes we must all go through.
Have you tried our new feature the Site Search Engine? Give it a try, it's fun and you will find lots of neat articles and links on our site. Looking for articles by Hartman? Type in Hartman and hit start. Click on articles or reviews you want to view. If you wish to search the actual matched document for a keyword use the Find Function on your browser, usually "Ctrl F". Use our search feature to see if you are linked to us, and where.
For November there are new links in our Link Library and Software Library and new News/Press Releases. Check them out.
A special thanks to our new and ongoing advertisers. These companies make our web resource and Ezine possible so be sure to click on their banner/showcase ads under Products and become familiar with their services. As with any good trade magazine the advertising is much of the total content and message conveyed. Please feedback your thoughts as well as the kind of information you would like to see in this internet resource. Help us get known to the world by telling a friend or colleague.
As you can see we have been busy responding to your requests and look forward to continuing to shape AutomatedBuilding.com into your Internet Automation Resource.
Our next issue of "The Automator" is January 1st 2000 and will be our Dallas AHR Show Issue. Our theme for the issue will be Automated Buildings in the 21st Century. As usual we are always looking for good industry articles and will be providing space for preview articles for vendors at the show. Please get your articles in early to avoid the Christmas crunch - deadline December 10, 1999. Send to news@automatedbuildings.com.
Previous Favorites
is a new feature. We add the article most viewed in the previous issue.[an error occurred while processing this directive]
We are also always upgrading our Events Calendar so take a look.
This is not just a spectator sport, please send your articles, new releases and new product information to us. Click here to see article format. If you are pushed for time send us an email and we will format your message to the industry and your clients. Take a look at our When Automation becomes Art article which originally was an email.
Raytheon Control-By-Light
Fiber Optic Transceiver Receives LONMARKR Approval for
Intelligent Building Control Networks.
Raytheon's Transceiver is First to
Implement EIA Fiber Optic Standard
Raytheon Control-By-LightTM,
a leader in distributed sensing and fiber optic technology applications,
announced today that its fiber optic modular transceiver has received
approval for use in open multi-vendor LONWORKSR
control networks.
Complete Press Release
Echelon Unveils the Future of the Internet with the i.LON™ IP Server Breakthrough Product Connects Everyday Devices to the Web (Amsterdam, The Netherlands - October 13, 1999) - Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) launched the next great Internet wave today by unveiling the i.LON™ 1000 IP Server. Developed and certified under the Cisco NetWorks™ program, the i.LON 1000 is a breakthrough new product that can bring billions of everyday devices into the Internet. See Complete Press Release
AutomatedBuildings.com to speak at the joint meeting of the Golden Gate and San Jose ASHRAE Chapters on Dec 2nd at the San Mateo Marriott. See Article
News Releases (Updated December/99)
News Releases (Updated November/99)
New Products Reliable Controls MultiNet MACH-air controller; Power Measurement's New 7500 ION Energy & Power Quality Meter; Spartan Peripheral Devices' NEW VE-4000 SERIES 2-or 3-way System Control Valves and Actuator Linkage Kits; Simplex Announces Release of Celestra™ 2000 Digital Display Clocks; Veris Industries Inc's Enercept® Networked (Modbus RTU) Power Meters
News Releases (Updated October/99)
Novembers' Product, Software and Web Site Reviews
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