
   October 2019

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
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 Ken Sinclair

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Commentary - October - Building User Connection in the Smart City

We need to explore how to make the building user experience (UX) seamless and amazing in our buildings and smart cities.

My observations on connecting the user to the building follow.

Our Wireless Skin, when connected to the urban and global airways that collide with the world of mobility data from the smart city and our buildings, must be seamlessly not seemlessly, providing a friendly open transition with a robust wireless well connected airway to our building backbone of glass.

Read our complete October reviews;

Smart City Building The autonomous smart building is the secret sauce for building a smart city.

Building User Connection   Our Building Backbone connects the world to our wireless airways which connects our building users to their world.

Automated autonomous buildings and autonomous vehicles are on a collision course as cities get smart or digitized - Sudha Jamthe CEO IoTDisruptions

"Hi Ken,  You always get me thinking from our chats/writing. So here I go again! This is my first draft thinking about the idea of how automated buildings and autonomous vehicles are on a collision course as cities get smart or digitized. My POV here is that AIX or Designing the AI is going to be crucial to earn the trust of people with data transparency as their identity extends from fixed spaces to mobility vehicle experiences." Sudha

The next step to this automation is intelligence in the buildings, in the mobility infrastructure with a digital identity that can move with people. Mobility data of people's transactional mobility needs of going between home and work or preferred coffee shop drop-offs by a ride-share company or their preference when to hail a taxi vs pickup an e-mobility bike becomes the fuel that powers this intelligence.

Now, I want you to stop and think about why should this intelligence be different in buildings, separate from the mobility vehicle when the user blurs the line between them and is focused on working or living their lives.

Now add to that the complexity that each person has their own preference of time, location and preferred mobility and workspace channels that they want to be personalized to them. For example, someone is a morning person and works till their kid comes home at 3 pm when they go pick them up while someone else preferred to work during the whole day and enjoy the evening with family or friends.

The mobility data that powers this lifestyle essentially extends the boundary of cities for people and is the key driver that brings the collision of buildings and vehicles as conjoint spaces serving the needs of the people.

Be sure to read this article and others to grasp our connection collision.

As always this new issue is a nest of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting our rapidly evolution and journey to "User Connection."

Welcome our newest sponsors:

J2 Innovations is a fast-growing software development company and created FIN Framework, the most open software platform for building automation & IoT.

CUBE - Manage your entire controls business from a single platform. Cube is the only comprehensive business management software for the building automation controls (BAC) industry.

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As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from September 2019
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