Editorial - September / October 2003
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Editorial Comments by Ken Sinclair
&  2003  

October's issue was a little late off the press as Jane and I have just returned from Worldwide CIBSE/ASHRAE Gathering of the Building Services Industry held in Edinburgh Scotland.  Please read the review for a heart felt message to our industry from Terry Wyatt, President of CIBSE.

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Scotland is a fascinating place steeped in history in many ways but especially for the building industry. Their collection of large buildings from Castles to Cathedrals to 1800's office buildings to the new parliament buildings in Edinburgh now under construction, inspired my November building automation column for Engineered Systems titled Protection, Correction, and Connection. Watch for it next month as well as the pullout supplement written by Anto, Jack, and myself called "Marketing Convergence" - Connection and Convergence Combine.

Tom's article Ending the Blackout Blues, We need (REALLY need) to improve the way our industry delivers -  tells us to first, take responsibility for our designs and to be open to new ideas and approaches. Amen Tom.

These will be some of the messages I will be taking to the Intelligent Building, Building Intelligence" China Forum Shanghai, China Nov 13-14. Check out this and other coming events.

September is here and the summer is over; time to get on with a busy fall and what a busy fall it is going to be.

Anto BudiardjoWe have a new Contributing Editor - Anto Budiardjo.  Please join me in welcoming Anto to's team of industry experts who are our contributing editors.

Anto Budiardjo is the President and CEO of Clasma, Inc., a marketing and event planning company whose primary focus is providing professional services to the full spectrum of the building systems industry.

We feel that Anto's marketing approach plus his desire to help market our industry is an important part of the total message wants to take to our readership.

Anto is no stranger to our online magazine, the creator of BuilConn he has been a constant industry news generator. We are just getting around to making it official.

Be sure to read Anto's interview XML initiative for Buildings.  Click here to find out more about Anto

Anto has joined us in the preparation of our third pull out supplement on convergence "Marketing Convergence" prepared for the November issue of Engineered SystemsJack McGowan, Anto and I outline the importance of our industry getting involved now in the marketing of convergence.

Lots of new global events check out our Events Calendarsection to see how they will benefit you. As usual lots of great articles about your new way of doing business.

I believe that our greatly changed large building automation industry is the key to many of the required solutions of Sustainability, Value, Profit, being responsive to human needs, while reducing environmental loadings. Yet as an industry we consistently fail to tell the world. Please help me take our message to the world by sharing your thoughts on this subject with me

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