February 2005
News Release

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Intelligent Building Ranking Tool RFP

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The RFP has been developed by CABA's Intelligent and Integrated Buildings Council. The IIBC was formed in 2002 as a direct result of the Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings, a project funded by a number of Canadian government departments and managed by CABA. There were a number of barriers to the growth of the building automation industry addressed in the TRM and CABA decided to form a council of its' members to help address some of these issues. The IIBC started with a core group of about 15 members who had been on the steering committee for the TRM. There are now over 150 IIBC members working in 4 Task Forces. Task Force No. 1 is focused on developing an Intelligent Building Ranking System (which we have called a BIQ –for Building Intelligence Quotient). The task force has developed the framework for an Intelligent Building Ranking Tool over the last year and is ready to solicit proposals from interested technology companies.

The IB Ranking System will be an online tool intended to assist building owners/managers, the commercial real estate industry and other industry stakeholders assess the level of integrated systems within a building (i.e., develop a BIQ). A comprehensive list of intelligent building criteria has been developed as well as a “ranking matrix”. An IB ranking workshop was held in Dallas this past year in conjunction with the BuilConn conference to review and refine the ranking matrix. This matrix and the various Intelligent Building functional areas now will form the basis for a comprehensive ranking tool. The task force has recently completed the development of a formal request for proposal and is ready to engage the services of a qualified contractor. If your company is interested in responding to this RFP, please contact CABA's Technical Director, Kirk McElwain at the following e-mail address: kirkatcaba@sympatico.ca

The URL to view the RFP is:  http://www.caba.org/councils/council-tf1.html.





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