June 2004
News Release

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Open letter to the Building Controls Industry re oBIX, CABA, OASIS, and Consortia Membership

At the request of OASIS, I am sending this note to you because you have expressed an interest in standards, and standards development in general, as well as oBIX in particular. As we transition oBIX from CABA to OASIS, you may have been missed, and oBIX is weaker for each one that has. For more info on oBIX go to: http://www.obix.org.

Please read the note below and think again about participating. This is important work. It will change controls, and, I believe, lead to a great expansion of the systems that people want controlled.

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Please contact me if you require more info and for anyone who is one of the 30 people who have signed up, I apologize for clogging up your inbox!


Toby Considine

From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:09 PM
To: Considine, Toby (Facilities Technology Office)
Cc: Carol Geyer (Carol Geyer); Scott Mcgrath; Dee Schur (Dee Schur)
Subject: RE: oBIX
Hi Toby,
Could you please send this letter to your oBIX email list?
Thanks so much!
There are increasingly definable benefits derived from participation in an international standards organization, such as OASIS, as all consumers of internet technology begin to demand standards-based products with verifiable interoperability. One primary benefit of OASIS membership is the power to influence the standards that shape your industry and to gain the recognition as a company that understands the importance of global standards development. When you join OASIS, your organization will become recognized as a member of the elite group that is forging the future direction of technology.

We are very proud of the quality of standards being developed at OASIS, yet, we also know that successful adoption is dependent upon participation by a variety of stakeholders. At OASIS, we bring together a wide range of users (both middle tier and end), government agencies, vendors, service providers, universities, trade groups, etc. in an open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] We have developed a mature, transparent process that provides technologists with a predictable path towards standards development that has been successful time and time again (XACML, DocBooks, SAML, UDDI, ebXML Suite of Standards elevated to ISO 15000, etc.).

The website www.consortiuminfo.org provides a great perspective on why you should join a consortium, how to choose one and how to best benefit from participation in a Standards consortium. The Delphi Group recently published the white paper, 'The Value of Standards,' http://www.delphigroup.com/research/whitepapers.htm.

Please take a moment and look at http://www.oasis-open.org/join/ to consider your various opportunities for membership. The membership categories mirror the different reasons why you might join OASIS. Sponsor members, are often the technology providers and industry leaders who will benefit most from the higher level of visibility and promotional services. There is a range of Contributor member categories to accommodate technology users and influencers. There is also a member category for unaffiliated individuals who do not have corporate encumbrance or support.

As you review this information please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Dee Schur
OASIS Manager of Industry Outreach

+1 978.667.5115. x211


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