May 2005
News Release

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LONMARK International Expands Into Asia through the Signing of LONMARK Japan

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First Member of LONMARK Affiliation Program in Asia to Promote Open, Interoperable Systems in Buildings, Industry, Transportation and Other Industries

San Jose, CA – LONMARK International announces the signing of an Affiliation Agreement with LONMARK Japan, the first LONMARK® organization formed in Asia. LONMARK Japan and its 52 member companies are actively promoting the benefits of LONMARK Open Systems as they create business opportunities for their members in Japan and elsewhere.

LONMARK affiliates are independent, non-profit associations representing the local interests of LONMARK International and their members. Affiliate associations are better equipped to support the local needs of LONMARK members such as language and customs, legal and regulatory issues, and specific regional marketing initiatives. The network of affiliates will allow LONMARK International to focus its resources on strategic programs that benefit all members around the world.

“We are very excited about the new direction of LONMARK International and the formation of LONMARK Japan,” said Toshirou Tomita, Chairman of LONMARK Japan and a member of the LONMARK International board of directors. “The LONMARK Japan organization builds on a foundation we created several years ago to provide Japanese support for our members through a LONMARK Task Group. As an official non-profit organization we can expand the services provided to our Japanese members and create a much stronger impact in the market.”

[an error occurred while processing this directive] “I am very pleased to see the successful formation of LONMARK Japan,” said Barry Haaser, executive director of LONMARK International. “The members of LONMARK Japan are well organized and are actively promoting LONMARK Open Systems in Japan. This new organization provides an important model for the new LONMARK organizations forming in China, Korea and elsewhere to support the needs of local companies and to expand the market for open systems.”

More information on LONMARK Japan and membership can be obtained by visiting their website at or by sending an email to

For more information about LONMARK International, its members, the affiliation program and LONMARK certification can be found at

About LONMARK International
Since its inception in 1994 and new corporate structure in 2003, LONMARK International has become a major driving force in the establishment of interoperable guidelines for building, industrial, transportation and residential/utility automation. LONMARK® membership is open to any manufacturer, distributor, engineer, system integrator, or end-user committed to the development, specification, and use of open, interoperable products utilizing ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 and related standards.



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