Press Release - October 2003
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LONMARK® Interoperability Association News

Move Toward System Specification and Certification 
New LonMark System to Encompass XML/SOAP Web Services for Enterprise and Internet Integration

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San Jose, California  - The LONMARK Interoperability Association is pleased to announce that it is expanding its scope to encompass whole systems in addition to individual devices. This change simplifies the process of defining open systems by combining guidelines that detail the various tools and functionality that comprise an open system. Incorporating XML/SOAP web services standard interfaces for machine to machine communications will extend the footprint of an open LONMARK system providing added benefits to end-users in the form of open procurement (bidding) and vendor independence. 

The Association's shift to certifying systems builds upon worldwide acceptance of the value of LONMARK Certified devices to put an end to the debate of "system vs. device". As the market for open interoperable systems grows and more and more specifications are written to include "open systems", it will be possible for an individual to write an industry- or application-independent specification that clearly provides the benefits of open systems to end-users and investors - leading conclusively to the selection of a LONMARK System. The System will then be flexible enough to satisfy the needs of the specifier/consultant, integrator, and the end-user. 

Currently available for review by LONMARK members in the member area of the LONMARK Interoperability Association website, the new "System Definition" divides the systems description into five categories: System Behaviors, Devices, Connectivity, Device Interfaces, and Network Software and Tools. Also addressed in the definition is the technique for communicating via the Internet. This allows data to be reviewed in a standard fashion using web services, such as SOAP and XML. When defined and finalized, the LONMARK web services schema will reside within the oBIX (Open Building Information Exchange) initiative sponsored by CABA, the Continental Automated Buildings Association.

Invitation to form LonMark Americas

To LonMark Members in the Americas,

Overload. There are too many processes running under this userid. Please wait a minute and try again. (fork failed)As you no doubt have heard by now, LonMark is undergoing a number of changes. These changes will maximize the progress and developments the LonMark community has made to date, and they will re-create the organization to be best suited for the challenges that lie ahead of us as Interoperability becomes a key element of everyday devices in our lives.

In early 2004, a new LonMark International organization will be in place to oversee and coordinate the activities of local LonMark organizations around the world. This structure will provide global leverage of the LonMark brand and resources while addressing local issues at the place they are best dealt with - locally.

In Europe and other parts of the world, existing LonUsers® groups will transform themselves to become the local LonMark organizations. These organizations have proven that local focus works, and their experience is a great model to further develop the worldwide LonMark network.

The LonWorks® community in the Americas has not organized itself into a formal local group, and it is time for us to change this. As part of the bigger LonMark restructuring, a LonMark Americas will be formed to deal with LonMark issues in the Americas working under the umbrella of LonMark International.

Once established, all existing LonMark members in the Americas will become members of LonMark Americas as part of the overall LonMark International organization. As such, all sponsor, partner, associate and individual memberships will be members of local LonMark entities, who in turn will have an "affiliate" relationship with LonMark International, the details of which is still evolving.

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