August 2007

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August 2007

CABA Intelligent Buildings Taskforce
Taskforce Members
The task force consists of  board members, IBRM sponsors, and selected consultants.

BACnet International Conference and Expo
BACnet International
This year’s conference still features our successful exhibition with industry companies, as well as expanded content to include information on BACnet (ASHRAE standard 135-2004) – a Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks, cutting-edge work for open systems and next generation lighting, as well as the latest in intelligent buildings.

The 4th Building Automation Conference
ES Magazine
will join forces with BACnet International to provide the latest information you need on Building Automation and Sustainability!

July 2007

2007 - Looking Back and Ahead
Anto Budiardjo, President & CEO of Clasma Events Inc.
For integrators and contractors, Demand Response or DR means immediate business returns and an opportunity to leverage DR to establish a better value proposition to their customers. For owners, DR will provide a way to reduce energy costs by tapping into the incentives the utilities are providing right now.

Drop-in Networking Solutions
Chris Collis, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Digi International
Digi launches Drop-in Networking solutions to help organizations easily automate their facilities.

RF Interference Problems
Mark Walters, Chairman, Z-Wave Alliance
In short, there can be RF interference in any band. Some bands are more crowded than others, and some applications are more susceptible than others.

Grid Interop: Closing the “Distance to Integrate”
Steve Widergren, Administrator, GridWise Architecture Council
 If you think of the effort to make automation systems interact as a “distance to integrate,” then the objective of the Grid Interop meeting is to engage business leaders and integration technologists across the electric system community to develop actionable steps that close or reduce the distance to integrate.

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