August 2007

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Articles - August 2007

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Lighting Control  Integrate without the Risk of Failure Ron Poskevich, General Manager, Lumisys

Designing a Daylight Harvesting System:  Part One  Daylighting is the use of daylight as a primary source of general illumination in a space.  Craig DiLouie, Principal, ZING Communications, Inc. & Communications Director Lighting Controls Association

DALI is Here & Here To Stay  DALI – (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) has been around for several years. Phillip Hodge, Business Development Manager, Building Technology Integration Control & Engineering

Seven Habits of a Highly Profitable Controls Company  We have two basic choices in how we do things: be reactive to things that happen around us, or proactive to ensure things happen as we want them to.  Anto Budiardjo, President, Clasma Events Inc.

Bytes and Bricks: Leaving Data and Money on the Table  “Technological change is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” - Albert Einstein  Jim Sinopoli PE, RCDD, Managing Principal, Sinopoli and Associates

Our Industry's Violent DisAgreement  And How to Move Forward Toward a More Efficient Future Thomas Hartman, P E, The Hartman Company

GridWise The Right Place At An Exceptional Time  With GridWise, IT interoperability will lead to ap’s that start with DR as a basic curtailment (turning electric loads off) program, but then to expand a truly intelligent building functionality that reshapes the load curve by leveraging automation.  John J. "Jack" Mc Gowan, CEM, Energy Control Inc.

Buildings 2.0 Energy and the Grid  Buildings 2.0 is an initiative that cares for the scarce resources we have on planet Earth. Anto Budiardjo, President, Clasma Events Inc.

HVAC Control Systems Market   to Reach $12.7 Billion  Jared Malarsky, Research Analyst, ARC Advisory Group

Making Money with BAS Mash-ups  The term mash-up refers to a new breed of web-based applications. Ken Sinclair, Editor Owner

Column - August 2007

Rooftop Unit Economizer – Operation & Control 
Perform the economizer functions of a packaged rooftop unit using digital control 
Steven R. Calabrese, Automated Logic Chicago

Articles - July 2007

The Top 10 List For Successfully Integrating Building Systems  “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. “ - Michael Jordan, Six NBA Championships, Five Times NBA MVP   Jim Sinopoli PE, RCDD, Managing Principal, Sinopoli and Associates

Sustainable Buildings  Are Industry Groups The Solution or the Problem? Thomas Hartman, P E, The Hartman Company

Wireless Control and Automation Made Practical -- Finally  While automobiles may get all the bad headlines, energy-guzzling buildings account for a whopping 39% of all energy consumption in the U.S., according to the Departments of Energy (DOE) and Transportation (DOT); far above the 27% used by transportation.  Mark Walters, Chairman, Z-Wave Alliance

DR-Expo™  Delivering Demand Response Information & Solutions Today!  Anto Budiardjo, President & CEO of Clasma Events Inc.

BAS Graphics - Past, Now, and Future  The BAS industry has changed rapidly in the last 5 years. The main improvements have been on connectivity between protocols and the information transfer to the internet Alper Uzmezler Systems Integrator Building Automation Systems Services

NRG Systems Energy Savings  The building is one of only a handful of manufacturing facilities to earn a LEED Gold certification. Joy Null, Director Of Public Relations, Watt Stopper/Legrand

Connectivity + Convergence + Confluence = Change  Connectivity concepts such as the smart grid, the greening of buildings with better connections to everything, coupled with connections to powerful web services plus the notion of Buildings 2.0 are all creating new directions and markets for our industry. Ken Sinclair, Editor Owner

Column - July 2007

RTU Operation Via Conventional & Digital Controls
Control a packaged rooftop unit with a thermostat, or digitally via a building automation system  Steven R. Calabrese, Automated Logic Chicago

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Jim Sinopoli PE, RCDD, Managing Principal, Sinopoli and Associates
The Top 10 List For Successfully Integrating Building Systems
Alper Uzmezler Systems Integrator Building Automation Systems Services BAS Graphics - Past, Now, and Future
Mark Walters, Chairman, Z-Wave Alliance Wireless Control and Automation Made Practical -- Finally
Deke Smith, AIA,
Executive Director, buildingSMART® Alliance National Institute of Building Sciences  Truly Brilliant Buildings
Brooke Richards, Richards-Zeta Building Intelligence, Inc. The Largest Enterprise Energy Management Deployment in North America
Paul Ehrlich PE, President, Building Intelligence Group LLC Intelligent Buildings Roadmap
Jim Sinopoli PE, RCDD, Managing Principal, Sinopoli and Associates Certification for Designers and Installers
ASHRAE BACnet Standing Standards Project Committee SSPC-135 BACnet Releases Access Control Standards
Terry Hoffmann, Johnson Controls, Inc. Technology Contracting
Ken Sinclair, Marc Petock, Tridium, Mike Marston, Tridium, Martin Hodder, Tridium Asia Destination Sydney, Australia - Four For Points for the Industry
Thomas Hartman, P E, The Hartman Company Moving Toward A Sustainable Building Industry
Andreas Schneider, Executive VP, EnOcean GmbH Batteryless Radio Technology
Paul Ehrlich, P.E. Building Intelligence Group Help Wanted:
John J. "Jack" Mc Gowan, CEM, Energy Control Inc. Energy Management Systems
October: Thomas Hartman, P E, The Hartman Company The HVAC Industry CAN Reinvent Itself! 
Ken Sinclair LONWORKS Converges with IP
Brian Thompson, Founder, Managing Director, SENSUS M.I. Service contractors profit from the HEAT
August Thomas Hartman, P E, The Hartman Company Can ASHRAE Reinvent Itself?
Ken Sinclair  John Petze leaves Tridium
Anwer Bashir, Computrols, Inc., Artificial Intelligence in Building Automation



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