August 2015 |
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Across the Chasm?
support for standardization efforts like BACnet and Project Haystack
naming/tagging taxonomy grown to the point that it is providing a
pathway for data-driven building operations technologies across the
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August theme of Automated Buildings magazine is "Transformational
Change.” It does feel like our industry is moving into a higher gear.
So to think through the shifting momentum, I took out my Crossing the Chasm Colorforms
and started to hypothesize about where the market for software and
services supporting data-driven commercial building operations —a.k.a.
the Building Internet of Things or B-IoT — is on the Chasm adoption curve.
The most prominent feature of Geoffrey Moore’s Chasm
theory is the gap in market momentum that is often observed once demand
for a new innovation has played out among technology enthusiasts and
has not caught on among more pragmatic and conservative buyers. That’s
the Chasm. Industry players mutually supporting common standards is a powerful force for getting across that gap and finding lucrative ‘Main Street’
markets. Those industry participants that make it across are in a good
position to experience a ‘Tornado-like’ fast-moving, up-spiral in
demand for their products and services. At this moment in the Building
Automation & Control industry, it’s fair to ask “Has support for
standardization efforts like BACnet and Project Haystack naming/tagging
taxonomy grown to the point that it is providing a pathway for
data-driven building operations technologies across the Chasm?”
Good evidence that building operation analytics has made it to the
much-safer “Bowling Alley” side of the divide is that customers are
demanding and our industry is delivering “Whole Products.” Moore
defines a “ Whole Product” as “all the complementary software
applications, devices and services needed to fill out a core product to
deliver compelling value to ‘Main Street.” The article this month
from Alper Uzmezier of BASSG details all the products and services that
the SkySpark™ Ecosystem is delivering to make it more turn-key for
system integrators to deploy an analytics solution for their customers.
Likewise, the article
from Greg Shank of Altura Associates presents why the combination of
commissioning services plus analytics is remaking the entire
design/construction cycle and setting the stage — ie, defining the
software platform for — ongoing energy management and commissioning.
‘Chasm-speak’ uses the term Bowling Alley
to convey the thought that technological innovations like this take
hold market segment by market segment. It will take strong ecosystems
of value-add software and service providers to deliver whole products
at the right price/performance points for all the building types and
geographies that comprise the existing built environment. For this
reason, our industry could spend a long time in all the potential lanes
of our Bowling Alley.
My Chasm thinking was also informed by a Memoori podcast this month
featuring Project Haystack participants Marc Petock and John Petze,
moderated by James McHale. Here too, I learned that Fortune 50
companies are expressing high interest in Haystack. Does it get more
Mainstreet than that? So I followed up with Marc and John, asking their
thoughts about where the industry is on the Chasm curve.
John Petze offered these thoughts about where we are relative to Chasm concepts:
“Haystack is an enabling technology that
is helping to lower the cost and accelerate the development of "Whole
Products". We are seeing evidence of analytics crossing the chasm to
the mainstream — that is something I would not have said a year or two
ago. We continue to work with major owners and property management
companies on new analytics projects of increasing scale.
Mainstream providers of enterprise real estate management services and
technology are demonstrating acceptance, and we have many end users
that fit the definition of “mainstream”. My read of the Tornado phase
is that it applies when a technology "takes off" in the mainstream with
dramatic growth. I do not think we are seeing that quite yet. I see us
being in the early mainstream market with the potential for a Tornado
in the next two years. Today, we see the Tornado approaching — it’s
getting dark outside with forecasts of heavy rain, strong winds and
damaging hail —but, no tornados yet. I also think that the outsize
presence of analytics companies at events like Realcomm (I believe that
there were 10) holds a message about where the market is. Probably
worth going back to the Chasm books to see what Geoffrey Moore has to
say about shake-out in a new market and what that says about the stage
of the market.”
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Marc Petock largely concurred that the basic building block
technologies for the Buildings IoT are across the Chasm. He added,
“Haystack is radical new thinking about data. This change must begin at
the most basic levels, with new conceptions about how devices,
information, people and systems interact. I believe that Haystack is
delivering business relevant outcomes that are driving new value in a
built environment. Common protocols and naming are securing the
interoperability of related connected systems, devices and things. They
are making the data contained within them self-describing and enabling
seamless integration across multiple applications to improve
operations, reduce costs and maximize occupant experiences. Value from
data will only be realized if organizations can understand and leverage
the data they produce. By creating value from the data generated,
companies can improve operations, reduce costs, and enable valuable
customer experiences.
I’ve found the Chasm terms and explanations ring
fairly true for understanding the dynamics of why, how and when
technology markets transform. Maybe because Moore makes such great use
of the bell curve. (ha ha) What do you think? Write me at
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