January 2021

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
Publisher - AutomatedBuildings.com

January "Out of In...novation"

Our Future Reality - Real or Augmented & Artificially Intelligent? or a Covid-ized Hybrid? 

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Happy New Year 2021, our January theme is about what we can extract from and build on from the year that was 2020 when were Covid-ized but we became very innovative as to how we would continue together apart making doing it remotely the new now.

I wrote these two review below to summarize some thoughts and suggest some directional changes for the industry for the new year.

Our 2021 future reality can not help but reflect the year 2020 when we were "COVID-ized"

Ken Sinclair

Out of In...novation  The true power of Innovations is not just the innovative idea but what we as a society and an industry can extract out of that innovation.  Unabridged Version  Starts the discussion that leads to Our Future Reality - Real or Augmented & Artificially Intelligent?

So Step away from your hectic life. Open your mind, get out of your head, educate yourself on the innovation that is falling on what it was you use to do and imaging what you can get,Out of In...novation

Our Covid-ized Future Reality  Will it be Real? or Augmented & Artificially Intelligent? or a Covid-ized Hybrid? Unabridged Version

As an industry we all need to reach out to the younger of all ages to improve, no, actually create knowledge of the existences and the excitement of our industry. We need to re-brand industry as a new exciting Industry that todays' gamers want to job craft into their future.

Are you ready for Our Covid-ized Future Reality?

This article provides great insight,

Welcome to 2021, the year of healing with innovation  I have been thinking about how 2020 has been a nightmare for all of us unifying us into an alternate reality and grounding us to rethink how we live, and what our daily actions and social interactions mean  - Sudha Jamthe

In 2021, as part of the healing process, first we get to stop and breathe in hope. We see the hope of a vaccine which will free us of the pandemic. We will still have the bruises of behavior change from being quarantined indoors for most of the year. We still will have travel restrictions and so much work to do to get the whole world vaccinated.  If we pause and look around, we can see the data from connected devices and cameras and a huge deluge of data from our new behaviour of doing everything online. There is even going to be more data about the distribution of vaccines and who is getting vaccinated and when different parts of the world reaches the critical mass of vaccinated people required to stop the pandemic. There is going to be healthcare data and AI segmenting people to show who should get the vaccine first. There is going to be supply chain data, fraud prevention data and AI forecasting and prediction to follow the vaccine.

You must read this interview to understand the 2021 landscape of our hybrid industry events


INTERVIEW – with Jim Young and Scott Cochrane  Jim Young and the Realcomm team have inspired our industry for many years, showing us the latest and greatest in tech presentations from a wide variety of top thought leaders.  Their platform has allowed countless industry relationships and helped drive the changes our industry needed to help us move forward with new innovative ways of thinking.

Young: It’ll start to be a “we’ll see” first quarter. The doors are open; the buildings are open. But nobody is coming into them. The tenants are still paying their rent. The conversation that’s creeping in more and more in the last month has been okay. People have now learned to work from home; they like the office but they also like working from home. Post-COVID, how many people will want to get on the highway to drive two hours in downtown L.A. to get to the office? There are some that will never go back. One company recently surveyed their employees and 95% said they will never want to go back to the standard five days in the office. There’s this middle population that will want both—they’ll want the office as the place to go but they’ll also want more flexibility to work from home. So what will the office look like post-COVID? Time will tell…

Industry Training Links and Learning Blogs  The new evolving model of AutomatedBuildings.com is to connect and link to the amazing amount of articles, training and blog bits.

The new evolving model of AutomatedBuildings.com is to connect and link to the amazing amount of articles, training and blog bits that folks like you and many others are publishing on your own blogs and newsletters. We leave them in place as published and as illustrated but tell the world where they are and provide links to them. They are amazing content and know well by your networks but no one else knows about them.  I feel we can add new value by linking them to a subject matter website like Automated Buildings.com and feel this would be a good transition for us and of value to the industry.

Wow! Now over 20,000 folks following my personal LinkedIn account where I posted all related industry information almost daily.  I am amazed at the global reach of these following folks and their diverse perspective of our industry. I am humbled that they choose to follow me as I depict our industries evolution. Thank you all for your support.

Our LinkedIn online group created for discussion of our magazine created in 2010  AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum now has over 4000 members and has taking on a life of it's own. I read the group with the same interest as everyone else to see what folks want to share what new and trending.

My twitter account also started in 2010 has over 1400 followers as well

Our online magazine was started 22 years ago before social media identities like, LinkedIn launched on May 5, 2003 and twitter Twttr launched to the public in July 2006, were vehicles of how special interest folks could find each other. We are working to build bridges from our long online history of controlled blogging of ongoing industry information with these and other social medias of the day. You can help as we see AutomatedBuildings.com as a landing pad for information that needs to be shared with our industry. We never throw anything away and it alway resides at the same URL.   I love this example from our startup issue.

We have selected this article to be in our first launch issue because we think it sends us all a wake up call as to how significant the internet is going to be in the future. Our site is aimed at the Automation of Buildings and integration with the internet will become just another step.

How are we able to provide this free service to the industry? Tell all our sponsors you saw their ads on the AutomatedBuildings.com web-site and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view their valuable products and services. Please review all Our Sponsors.

I just received the annual advertising/ sponsor payment from Reliable Control this has been an amazing support of our magazine for over 22 years. Look at this bit of history with Reliable Controls.

Era 1999 MultiNet and BACnet Help Mounties Keep Their Cool Tom Zaban, VP Marketing, Reliable Controls

The project marks the first MultiNet installation utilizing ASHRAE standard 135 - the BACnet communication protocol, which allows the integration of different manufacturer's control products into one seamless network.

Welcome our newest advertiser https://new.abb.com/buildings Imagine the building of tomorrow shaped by ABB Ability™ technology of today. We are working together to create workplaces where anything is possible.

The news just keeps flowing thru our web-site, and RSS feeds daily, and of course the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine


As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from December 2020
Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


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