March 2015

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Amazing Response to Feb Editorial

We are very pleased with the interaction we received on social media with our February editorial post.

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We are very pleased with the interaction we received on social media with this post.

Growing our only Asset our People How do we motivate them to be curious?, passionate?

It seems there is great public passion about this subject.

I have included linkage to some of the groups commenting, and extracted a few of the comments. Feedback like this is very encouraging to us.

ASHRAE linkedIn group

Please read complete thread but here are a few hightlights for me:

Thomas Phoenix  President at ASHRAE

I like your editorial Ken. Well said, and your comments are right on target. As you may know, our theme at ASHRAE this year is "People, Passion and Performance"; and the focus of that theme is exactly the same issue you discuss in your editorial. People and our volunteers are our greatest asset, and we must continue to find ways to instill the passion and motivate others to join and participate.

Ken Sinclair  Founder / Publisher / Owner at

Thomas Thank you for your kind comments;  A few months ago I was able to attend a local ASHRAE chapter YEA event, the dynamics were amazing between the students and chapter members. Keep this movement strong.

My introduction to ASHRAE was in 1966 when three ASHRAE members came to our Tech school NAIT recruiting ASHRAE student members. I joined to get that big book… It took me on a journey only ASHRAE could provide.

These three ASHRAE members became life friends and mentors. One was Don Holte a previous International president of ASHRAE, and another Ron Williams who had helped start two Chapters in Alberta and helped us start the Vancouver island Chapter BC, which I later became President of.

ASHRAE mentors have shaped my life. Yes, I am a life member in ASHRAE.

To all members be sure to be a mentor, it will be the best experience ever. Trust me, I want to share my experience with today’s totally connected youth and try to meet them in their world to build a bridge to our world. In this article I call for help.

Seeking Youth for the IOT Journey of our Industry

This is a request for online input to help map out a process for gathering thoughts, suggestions, and action of how we can attract young minds to our industry.

In this picture meets Classic Energy Gordon Holness, President Elect of ASHRAE who shared his wisdom

A great response from the mentored;

Knowledge Sharing to Drive Learning If you can hire good people, train them well, and ensure they continue to learn throughout their career will we see industry, from the operators to the engineers, achieve the potential we all know is there.

Sorry for such a long response but I want to celebrate "People, Passion and Performance"; and my gratitude to ASHRAE and its people.  Thank you all for your wisdom and of course "People, Passion and Performance".

Thomas Phoenix, President at ASHRAE

Thank you Ken for the great comments. Again, I think you are right on target about making sure our next generation has the tools and the mentoring to contribute and advance in our industry.  You obviously had some great mentors when you came along. I knew Don Holte very well. He and I served on the ASHRAE Board together.

Thank you for all your service and for continuing the passion.

The above exchange resulted in Thomas and I connecting on LinkedIn about how we could help educate our readers about ASHRAE and Thomas wrote this month's article for us;

When you think of ASHRAE, what comes to mind?   I’m guessing for many of you, it’s BACnet, our building automation controls standard. Others may be familiar with our work as it relates to building information modeling.

Great stuff, great cross pollination for our industry.

More comments:

Ken Sinclair  Founder / Publisher / Owner at

[an error occurred while processing this directive] From one of our other group discussions this question.

Yes but how do we instill a great desire to learn?

This from my daughter - Hi just reading your articles.  My only comment would be that curiosity is something you are born with or not, you cannot make someone curious -- they just are.

It's the whole work to live, or live to work. Don't hire a curious person to a simple task :-) and don't hire a task-motivated person to be curious.

Sorry my comment is my opinion from the people I have hired :-)

You need both in your industry, but you should look at how to attract people who are already curious rather than try and motivate people to be curious :-)

Good feedback.  Thanks Kerri.



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