September 2018 |
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Building Better Bots with Machine Vision "Your Building Control is watching you" ......mindfully. Creating tomorrow today with Open Software, Open Hardware, and Open Minds |
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“No thanks” right? Don’t worry it’s not spying on you or judging you. Nor will it be sending that video to anyone else for that purpose. The images it’s capturing are only being used locally by the controller to improve your indoor environment, provide security, and conserve energy. The imagery that’s captured is processed directly at the device. Only necessary information is extracted from the video stream and then all unused data is discarded right there. It goes no further than the device.
The only pieces of information your zone controller wants to know are:
bits of information can be used for zone control applications much
better than current devices. Traditional control tasks such as
scheduling and occupancy can be accurately determined rather than
guessed. Say, for example, a school classroom has a full class
scheduled in the BMS system, but no one actually shows up that day.
Should the ventilation go to occupied airflow? Should the zone
temperature go to occupied setpoint? Doing so with nobody there is a
tremendous waste of money and electricity. A motion sensor might help
solve the problem to some degree. However traditional occupancy or
vacancy sensors rely on very good placement and sometimes constant
detected motion to stay active. Also, what if only a single person
walks in and then walks right out? Should the zone go active for that
whole period? What if everyone is in there, but they are stationary and
not moving around enough? Will the motion sensor go inactive? These are
the kinds of control issues contractors deal with every day.
related issue is access control. Accessing a room can be an
attention-hijacking experience. In a simple system, a card or key fob
reader can be positioned at the entrances and exits to a
building. A single access control point is relatively easy to
deal with, but as additional layers of access are required within the
building more and more card readers need to be added. This is a less
than perfect system.
Zone lighting control in a space can also be difficult. Especially if there are multiple light sources such as windows or skylights. Often a zone lighting system is dependent on a single discrete light level sensor. Placement and orientation of this sensor is critical and sometimes difficult to get right the first time. We once installed a new demo lighting system that we were soon to be selling in our brand-new office. The system worked well during the initial start-up and commissioning, but after a few months of use, the dimming control began to behave erratically in certain zones. The problem turned out to be certain light level sensors were positioned in such a way that light from nearby windows hit them directly as the seasons changed. This caused the feedback loop for those individual sensors to respond incorrectly either by dimming the lights completely off or fluctuating on and off. The problem here was that the value from a single sensor in one location was representing the entire room.
all of the above situations, a video image of the room would do much
better and could clear up the confusion and ambiguity that are
consequences of using individual discrete sensors. A single inexpensive
miniature camera can replace the motion sensor, light level sensor, and
access controller. There would be no need to install these separate
sensors and clutter up walls and ceiling space, as well as require long
wire runs through the walls. Instead of being able to receive only
single localized detected values, you can instead view the space in a
complete context. A video image of space provides large amounts of
contextual data. If only there was a person available to continuously
view the video and make the control adjustments all day. Instead of a
live person, we can now perform tasks such as these with edge-bots!
Traditional cameras used for security purposes do not usually locally store image streams for particularly long periods of time. Video data is typically sent across networks to a centralized recording device. If any kind of artificial intelligence processing were to occur, it would have to be at that central device. This architecture can limit the total number of possible camera equipped zone controllers, as streaming video is the most bandwidth intensive type of network communication in a building automation system. Especially if the images are to be processed for control information and then sent back to the controller in real-time. For many large buildings, it would be impractical to have image streaming for every single zone to a central location. It would make much better sense to process the imagery right there at the edge device.
This is a perfect use case for the implementation of Machine Vision and Deep Learning in edge devices. Machines are programmed to recognize objects much in the same way we recognize objects; through the use of Neural Networks. Recent advancements in image recognition have allowed not only for the correct recognition of single objects alone by themselves, but also the detection of multiple instances of the same kinds objects in images with other types mixed in. The process by which useful image recognition software is created for use in machine vision is called Deep Learning. This process consists of two stages; training and inference. An artificial software neural network model is created and then trained using standardized data sets. In this case, we would be using an annotated dataset containing images of people such as the COCO dataset. These software models are not trained at the edge device but rather on a server with far greater resources, as this is the most computationally demanding of the two stages. Once trained and optimized, the software neural network model is then ready to be deployed to recognize images on its own through inference at the edge device. Dividing these two tasks in this way eliminates the need to stream video data for processing across a network to a central location. Since video images are not sent any further than the edge device, this also may help alleviate some privacy concerns.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]To actually enable edge processing, we need suitable edge controller hardware components. The problem in the past was that a device with the processing power required to construct such hardware at a reasonable cost did not exist. Most legacy HVAC zone controllers are based on microcontrollers which are simple, low-cost, single-task devices. These processors usually only have enough resources to run simple small-footprint DDC code and not much else. The situation has now changed in recent years with the wide availability of low-cost embedded microprocessors. These devices sometimes referred to as System on Chip or (SOCs) are much more like miniature desktop PCs that use full operating systems such as Linux, and can run multiple programs concurrently. This multitasking capability allows the device to easily run DDC programs as well as other applications such as Haystack servers or AI processing simultaneously. The prices of these chips are beginning to drop so drastically that the other day a complete embedded ARM-Linux PC was announced that would only cost a few dollars!
These miniature computers can easily run traditional DDC code as well as other applications, but the processing of voice and image data through neural networks could use the assistance of specialized processors. This summer Google announced the upcoming release of an Edge Development Kit to accelerate the development of an AI edge-bot style device. The offering is possibly an answer to release of competitor NVIDIA’s Jetson Development Board. The Google processor board contains a special integrated circuit called the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU). This chip is a specialized co-processor that is devoted to computational tasks related to artificial intelligence and machine learning. The kit resembles a Raspberry Pi in size and layout with the main difference being that the portion containing the main processor, flash memory, RAM, and TPU are located on a single detachable module. This System on Module or (SOM) is ready to be plugged into your own product’s baseboard when you are ready to transition from development into a production device.
Tensorflow is an open source software project that provides code libraries that are well suited toward deep learning neural network development. Programmers are familiar with traditional basic data types such as a “char” “int” “string” or “float.” A Tensor is just another data type. The format of a tensor is that of a multidimensional array. This data-type format is convenient for representing and processing complex vector-based information which flows through various operations in neural networks. Traditional processor hardware architectures are not well suited for performing operations on vectors and matrices. To more easily manipulate tensors the hardware architecture should be able to perform matrix-multiplication which repeatedly occurs as the tensor passes through layers of the network. The Google TPU chip provides this hardware acceleration on the board which helps offload neural network processing tasks. Having a co-processor allows the main modules processor(s) to easily manage other non-vector based scalar applications that are typically seen in building automation software.
All of these board sub-components combine together to create the foundation for the ultimate Open-Software, Open-Hardware, Edge controller. This can be done, and it can be done at a reasonable cost. Claims like this may seem like science fiction. If it were so easy to build one of these devices, why has no company already offered such a product? These concepts may sound far-fetched, but in fact, all of the necessary components that would be needed for even a hobbyist to implement an edge-bot zone controller are here and readily available right now. For example, a Raspberry Pi can function as your main processor board and can be had for less than 30 USD. Interestingly, developers for Tensorflow recently announced full Raspberry Pi support. A controller needs some I/O, for this you can use Contemporary Controls BASPi add-on- board which will also at the same time give you open-source Sedona DDC control. The Pi NoIR camera can be your edge-bot’s eyes also for less than 30 dollars. You can learn how to implement machine vision using OpenCV which is a free open source software library to get you started on your machine-vision development project. Indeed, the above pieces would give you all of the hardware and most of the software to make an edge-bot. So if all of these bits and pieces are available right now why has an edge-bot not yet been created?
Editor's notes: This Memoori report adds strength to Calvin's words The Competitive Landscape for AI Video Analytics is Intense
Published: August 27th, 2018 We have identified some 125
companies that are active in supplying appropriate semiconductor chips
and AI video analytic software products. New companies are being added
to this list almost weekly and although we cannot claim that it
includes all suppliers it is probably today the most comprehensive
listing on this subject.
About the Author
Slater is a U.S. Navy Veteran and Graduate of UCLA with a BS in
Mechanical Engineering. He has spent eight years in the Building
Automation Controls Industry, and is highly interested in Embedded
Hardware as well as Open-Source building automation software frameworks.
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