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We've Got It Backwards: The Future Needs to Be More Human (and Less Machine) - Toby Ruckert, Founder and CEO, UIB
Hiring Elite Controls Talent – Part 4 Your Secret to Employee Retention: CLAMPS - Skip Freeman, BASI
Solutions, LLC
Let’s Talk Facility IT I am talking about the use of information technology to ensure that the building systems are performing and delivering on the needs of the organization who pay for and rely on the facility. I call this space Facility IT. - Anto Budiardjo, Fractional Entrepreneur
SaaS for CRE – Like Having a FitBit for Your Building - James McHale, Managing Director, Memoori
The Building Systems Integrator: Commodity or Strategic Partner? - Brian Turner, CEO, Buildings IOT
Open Hardware, Open Software, and Building Bots "Making Buildings Aware of What They Need To Be Aware Of" - Nicolas Waern, CEO, Go-IoT
Is Your Building Running a Fever? Buildings are most comfortable and use the optimal amount of energy when they are configured and managed correctly. - Keith Gipson, Chief Technology Officer, Phoenix Energy Technologies
Building Better Bots with Machine Vision "Your Building Control is watching you" ......mindfully. Creating tomorrow today with Open Software, Open Hardware, and Open Minds - Calvin Slater
Sharing of Custom Sedona Kits, Components and Tools This makes programming quicker and certainly easier as components are enhanced, become more powerful, and offer completely new capabilities to users. - Zach Netsov, Product Specialist, Contemporary Controls
Elevating Smart Building Design to Create Attractive Spaces
- In the digital era, we need to rethink what brings people together in
spaces. - Brad White, P.Eng, MASc, President, SES Consulting Inc.
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- September 2018
Back to BASics: Sequences of Operation - Ira Goldschmidt,
P.E., LEED®AP, Engineering Consultant, Goldschmidt Engineering Solutions
Lifetime Learning for Smart Things Everywhere Thousands of AI systems in each building will require tools to manage the rapid evolution algorithms. - Toby Considine, TC9 Inc
Study Part 4- Explaining SEO
In this article, we are going to focus on Search Engine Optimization
(SEO), or how to rank high in Search Engines. - Manny Mandrusiak CD.Vancouver Island Works Project
Building Better Building Bots Mindfully In our future, all our inputs and outputs will evolve to either be bots, or be commanded by bots. - - Ken Sinclair, Editor, AutomatedBuildings
Building Whisperers People will rely on voice for more tasks throughout their day because voice removes friction. - Ken Sinclair, Editor, AutomatedBuildings
Building Whisperers Aid Digital Transformation of Buildings What are building whisperers? Those who adopt a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the building's relationship with its humanistic purpose based on rapidly evolving views and understandings.- Ken Sinclair, Editor, AutomatedBuildings
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