August 2004
News Release

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Handy Quick Fact Sheet Summarizes Managed Ethernet Systems On a Single Sheet of Paper

Downers Grove, IL – To help users take full advantage of Managed Ethernet technology, Contemporary Controls has published a one-page guide that explains the terminology and concept of managed switches.

Managed switches offer vastly more capability and flexibility than ordinary switches. The barrier is helping users understand how powerful they really are. According to Bennet Levine, R & D Manager of Contemporary Controls , “ABCs of Managed Switches is a handy, one-page fact sheet that covers just the things users most need to know. It’s a handy reference tool that engineers can bookmark in their web browser or keep in their desk drawer.”
According to Levine, the Achilles heel of ordinary switches is that they prevent users from intercepting faulty messages and quickly troubleshooting problems. Managed switches have a powerful feature called Port Mirroring that circumvents this problem. The fact sheet describes how this feature works.
Managed Switches also offer many other significant advantages. The ABCs of Managed Switches also describes the following concepts:

• How to separate or combine multiple networks in your facility, without ever swapping a single cable
• The advantages of switch management and what you can monitor, control and predict
• Important concepts like Trunking, Quality of Service and Fault Isolation

The fact sheet is free. Users can download it at



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