November 2009 |
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25 Years of PC-Based Control
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At the 1984 ISA Show, 25 years ago, Intellution
introduced The Fix, the first configurable PC-based HMI/SCADA software program.
Process control and automation changed forever.
Norwood, MA—November 15, 2009—In a 10 x 10 ft booth under the escalator at the
1984 ISA Show in Houston, Texas—25 years ago this past October—Steve Rubin,
president of Intellution, Inc., and two of his engineers, Al Chisholm and Jim
Welch, introduced The FIX: The Fully Integrated Control System, the world’s
first configurable PC-based HMI/SCADA software program. They revolutionized
automation and process control.
The crew had an IBM-PC with 640K of memory and two floppy disk drives, running a
“multitasking shell” that Chisholm had developed for MS-DOS, and communicating
with local I/O. It was the first user-configurable, “all in one”
human-machine-interface (HMI) and control software package for the IBM PC
platform. Across the aisle from the fledgling company was a booth running an
electric railroad using an Apple 2e. Elsewhere in the show hall were two other
PC-based suppliers, OnSpec and Centec, and a handful of proprietary HMI/SCADA
systems including US Data and Modicon.
Dave Nelson and Paul Vanslette were back at “the fish house” in Westwood,
Massachusetts, in the shadow of Analog Devices’ headquarters, holding down the
fort for the small, self-funded startup. Development of an I/O driver toolkit
was underway (the precursor of OPC) as were interfaces to BASIC, the C language
(C++ wasn’t available then) and, yes, FORTRAN.
“We’re cautiously optimistic,” Al said to his wife after the ISA show closed.
With the introduction of The FIX, Intellution quickly broke to the front of the
pack of a small handful of industrial software suppliers. The 96 sales leads
captured at the first ISA show turned into a worldwide distribution channel,
hundreds of thousands of copies of the robust software helping 75% of the
Fortune 500 companies become more efficient in their manufacturing operations.
The success of The Fix spawned dozens of similar programs, including Wonderware,
Citect and InduSoft, and changed the face of process control and automation
forever. No longer were control engineers tied to the ultra-expensive
workstations and proprietary software of the major distributed control system (DCS)
vendors. The Fix and similar software made it possible to use standard PC
hardware, the Microsoft operating system, and friendly, easy-to-use HMI
development software.
Over the course of 25 years, the Intellution team brought many other innovations
to the industrial software market: FIX ACE, a co-processor card that segmented
the real-time data operations into a protected environment; FIX DMACS, the first
truly distributed system that enabled personal computers to take on a major role
in industrial data acquisition and control applications; and ultimately, iFIX –
an automation application platform.
Today, proprietary workstations and operating systems have virtually disappeared
from the process control and automation world. All the major DCS and automation
vendors use PC-based workstations and HMI/SCADA software. In fact, DCS vendors
gobbled up most of the software companies: Steve Rubin’s Intellution was
acquired by Emerson in 1995, Wonderware was acquired by Invensys, and Citect was
acquired by Schneider Electric. Now a part of General Electric, Intellution
continues to deliver robust, highly-functional industrial software for a broad
variety of applications.
“Our biggest problem was convincing skeptical engineers that MS-DOS was reliable
enough to use in a plant,” recalls Rubin. “Our engineers had devised a way to
partition MS-DOS so that normal Microsoft programs ran in one partition in the
computer, while the HMI/SCADA software ran in the other partition under its own
real-time operating system, and the two were completely separate. A crash of
MS-DOS did not affect The FIX.”
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Although it took several years, the reliability of Intellution’s approach proved
itself. Today, similar PC-based software runs under much more reliable Microsoft
operating systems, such as Windows CE, NT and XP, and few engineers question the
idea of using Windows for control.
The core team of Intellution continued to grow and deliver value to the
industry. Jim Welch headed a large development and consulting group for IBM, and
recently became CEO of Marathon Software, a provider of fault-tolerant platforms
for mission-critical applications. Dave Nelson continues in business development
at IBM.
The Next HMI Revolution Beckons
Not content with launching PC-based control, Rubin, Chisholm and Vanslette are
at Longwatch, Inc., developing the next revolution in HMI/SCADA: that is,
integrating real video with automation applications. “HMI screens are avatars of
what’s really going on in the field,” says Rubin, now CEO of Longwatch. “Video
can provide so much more information, not just data, and do so quickly and
unambiguously. This helps customers make better and faster decisions, which are
critical if you want to save time and money,” he added.
“The concept is simple,” explains Rubin. “Most operators sit at HMI displays and
stare at trends, flashing icons, and graphic representations of a process or
assembly line, but they really can’t see what’s happening in the plant. By
putting video directly onto the HMI screen, operators can correlate what is
actually happening with the various data that’s being collected. They can also
command the camera in real time, effectively transporting themselves
electronically onto the plant floor.”
But the Longwatch system is much more than just live video. It also lets
operators “look into the past” to see what caused an incident. “We archive the
plant video feeds, so an operator or engineer can call up video from ten minutes
to ten months before an event,” says Rubin. “We can also record what the
operator was watching on the HMI. So, to reconstruct an incident, we can show
archived plant video, images from the HMI at the time of the incidents, and
plant data from a process historian. In other words, they can see video of what
actually happened in the plant, what the operator saw on the HMI at the time,
and what he or she did about it. The implications for training, productivity
improvement, troubleshooting, security, and proving conformance with various
regulations are astounding.”
The concept of integrating live and archived video is in its infancy. Longwatch
has installed several dozen video systems into water & wastewater, power
generation, natural gas processing and other applications. “We expect video to
be as big a revolution in HMI technology as PC-based control was 25 years ago,”
says Rubin.
About Longwatch
Longwatch, Inc. was founded by industrial automation and software veterans with
the goal of simplifying video delivery over existing SCADA, HMI and distributed
control networks. The result is the Longwatch Surveillance System™, a portfolio
of products that enables SCADA system users to view events and easily verify
alarms at local and remote sites using both legacy and new networking
infrastructures. The system integrates video and system alarms on the same
display for fast, reliable operation and decision-making.
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