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August Articles & Interviews

August 2022 – “Preparing for AHRExpo 2023”

Help us curate the messages our industry wants to take to Atlanta.

Since AHR Expo 2022 Las Vegas  Marc Petock  Chief Marketing & Communications Officer,  Lynxspring, Inc.

The Smart Building industry is on the brink of…..  Scott Cochrane, President & CEO, Cochrane Supply & Engineering

What does automation mean in 2022?  Sudha Jamthe Technology Futurist and CEO of IoTDisruptions

How much for a Digital Twin?  Nicolas Waern – Digital Twin Specialist

It’s all about connections  Toby Considine TC9, Inc The New Daedalus

Symbiosis Between CUBE and Three Key Concepts for Business Leaders

Metaverse : Move beyond the hype

Artificial Intelligence #66: How can we transform the learning of AI for Engineering and Life Sciences ?

Sinclair; John, you are the CEO of Gafcon Digital Inc.  Please introduce yourself and the company

Giving System Integrators a Seat at the Design Table

Systems Integrator perspective on Facilities Management 2.0   Justin Lavoie, VP Channel Development at Schneider Electric & Tony Nolan, President of Triton Concepts

Connected Contractor Posts
E-S-G Spells Opportunities  The time is now to dramatically improve the flow of ESG data between stakeholders and across the industry.

Why AI?  How can AI help the architecture, engineering, and construction—AEC—industry?

Communcation of Change  Our industry is immersed in immense change. The timely communication of that change—both within and around our industry—is fundamental to our necessary evolution.

In Celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 March 9, 2022 Finding amazing talent to grow our ever-expanding industry should be everyone’s mission
Winds & Wins Vegas

Your Adaption to 2022

Creating Clarity in the Face of Change

Smarter Sustainability Decarbonization & Electrification are key for our sustainable future.

Smarter Buildings Decarbonize

Nurturing & Navigating the Next New

Driving & Dodging Digital Dinosaurs

LinkedIn post on Trust

Digital Twins Morph to Triplets

Adaptation start of April’s Theme
