
December 2017

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#RUIoTReady ?

The catchphrase, #RUIoTReady? has raised some interesting questions such as, What is IoT? Why should I care? and What does "Ready" really mean?

Ken Sinclair
Founder, Owner, Publisher

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#RUIoTReady ?

The catchphrase, R U - I o T Ready? has raised some interesting questions such as, What is IoT? Why should I care? and What does "Ready" really mean?

What is IoT? I will use this simple definition of IoT from Webopedia

The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for Internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems. I will add to this definition "for Human-Centric Solutions."

More definitions here

Why should I care? 
In this last month's article Change Agents Impacting Building & Facility Management - Marc Petock, provides this wisdom,  IoT continues as a game changer; it is changing what we are delivering---how, when and where. However, realizing its potential starts with understanding the value and contribution it brings.  IoT is as much about behavioral changes and business opportunity, not just technology. We need to operate and manage buildings based on outcomes, not output.  IoT is not the objective of this transformation but the platform upon which to connect, collect and analyze data so we can measure and validate these outcomes. Building owners and operators should not “buy” IoT; they should purchase solutions to specific problems where IoT components are part of a solution.

What does "Ready" mean? Being ready is being able to discuss the merits of IoT and apply them to our applications for human-centric solutions. 

When I originally created the catchphrase, I was thinking the question was focused on our traditional smart automated building industry but now have come to understand it is not just our industry that needs to be IoT ready. Those who are the reason for our human-centric solutions need to be part of the discussion, education, and solution and made IoT ready. This process of developing inclusive solutions requires us all to think more like app developers creating our human-centric solutions as discussed earlier in this column.

Those who identify themselves as the IoT industry need to get ready by better understanding the slow dynamics and change agents of our smart automated buildings industry. I prepared this timeline of industry evolution last month including Marc's comments to improve understanding of our industry's history and its (sometimes) painfully slow evolution.

IoT folks need to review the last 20 years plus timeline to understand better that this is not a race for IoT to win but more of a fun run where traditional controls and new IoT folks will gather to discover each other's strengths and build on them for the greater good.

As an industry, we need to stop the waste of time in this creation of them and us, we are all in this together it is not a war, it is a love-in "for Human-Centric Solutions."

Our opportunity is 2B IoT-Ready and uses our combined knowledge to gracefully and purposefully connect humans to our large inventory of existing soulless buildings.

This post provides insight to the "why", you need 2B IoT Ready.

Finding Generation IoT: New Talent for a New Era. We are experiencing a worldwide scramble for IoT-capable staff.

Go back to the basics. Start by cultivating your own people.  That means training them in IoT-related skills—not just the technology and processes but also soft skills such as virtual teaming and collaboration. This is job one for every company starting on the IoT journey. Creating an IoT-ready workforce is not a one-time training event. It is a mindset change. It’s a new way to run your organization. A new contract between your company and your employees.

Why is it mandatory that we be IoT ready?

It is mandatory, because the next big thing about to land on us in what I am calling IoT ready is,

From Harbor Research - Machine Intelligence Through Data Transformation

Aggregation, transformation, and management of data from sensors, machines, and equipment is the holy grail of machine learning and the IoT; a fundamental core enabler.

The fact that a wide range of sensors, machines, and equipment can transmit information about status, performance, and usage, and can interact with people and other devices anywhere in real time points to the increasingly complex role of data in IoT systems. This only compounds when we consider the many billions or more of networked devices that many observers are forecasting will be deployed and the scale of data they will produce. Gathering and analyzing machine data is not a role for human beings. The only way to achieve it is to have the product’s own “machine intelligence” continually delivered back to its creator. This requires three things:

More and more my thoughts are being formed my observations reflected and shared in my daily postings on Twitter of what IoT ready might include.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]This post is scary and validated by wall street.

Big Data and analytics is something we have been talking about for a while, and we are either using it, providing it, or selling it. At this stage of the game, it has created a business opportunity that many have embraced. Someone has to connect the data to some form of filtering or to an analytics platform to make the data useful. But what happens when data no longer needs a human interaction?

Check out this video, courteous of the Wall Street Journal. If you are like me, it will shock you, scare you, and intrigue you. Whatever you think about the video, you cannot ignore what these business leaders are telling you is happening.
Executives from Baidu, Intel, Samsung and Walmart talk about how artificial intelligence will soon redefine our technological lives. They speak at the WSJ D.Live conference in Laguna Beach, Calif.

In this post - 17 EXPERTS TELL THE MOST EXCITING IOT TRENDS TO WATCH FOR IN 2018  Needless to say, IoT is one of the most talked about technologies in 2017. Unlike most other technologies, IoT has a visible impact on various industries and business functionings in just a matter of few years
According to Statista, the global IoT market is forecast to be valued at more than 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars.
As a certified Google Developer Agency and reputed IoT Application Development Company, team TechJini asked 17 popular industry experts the below question-
“What According To You Is The Most Exciting IoT Trend To Watch For In 2018?”

In this article What's driving the building automation market forward?

Energy management, government initiatives, and IoT deployments are three major drivers boosting market growth.

I hope the catchphrase "R U - IoT Ready" sends a wake-up call to you and your people that propels you on your journey into our rapidly evolving IoT future. You can better define what the words IoT mean to you but you cannot ignore your readiness.


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