JFebruaryry 2022

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  Comments by Ken Sinclair
Publisher - AutomatedBuildings.com

February  - "Vegas Winds & Wins"

Our AHRExpo.com Show Issue

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The winds of change are blowing at AHRExpo.com Vegas everyone is excited to see what wins they can take away. Vegas excitement is in the air as it has been two years since the Industry has gathered at their favorite event. It is well past time to talk about what is new and what is blowing in the new winds. What concepts are likely to be the wins in our rapidly evolving industry.

An evolutionary event where we're going to see a lots of new industry directions set. Special thanks to Scott Cochrane and all the folks in "Scottland", actually  Detroit that have put together  Our Free Education Session.

Cochrane Supply and Engineering has really stepped in to make these sessions happen.  Scott has greatly increased the quality and quantity of speakers,  I'm extremely pleased with that. Industry support of these sessions has been amazing. 

I wrote an article about Your Adaption to 2022  As you know I'm always striving to grow younger. So there I am, as a tadpole with legs hadn't quite imagined going back that far. But we all have some rapid evolving to do and the need remember "Adaption is Our Superpower".

“Vetting Vegas” - AHRExpo Vegas first F2F major event of 2022?

How we Adapt, Navigate, Embrace, Connect in Vegas in 2022 will define you. This evolutionary event is poised to change the industry no matter what happens.

January  - "Defining You in 2022"

Thanks to Reliable Controls @ Cameron Lutz for their ongoing support with sponsorship/advertising with AutomatedBuildings.com. Their support forever helps us provide our free online resources to you. Thank them and Catch up with us both in Vegas.

Tell all our sponsors you saw their ads on the AutomatedBuildings.com website and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view their valuable products and services. Please review all Our Sponsors.

My LinkedIn Shares      My Twitter Tweets      Interact with our magazine in real time with over 4400 others

Contractormag has embellished my article archive, starting in 2017. Presents a pictorial overview of the topics we need to talk about. Ideas, links, and resources for these articles are evolved here.

Now over 21,600 connections to my personal LinkedIn account where I posted all related industry information almost daily.  I am amazed at the global reach of these following folks and their diverse perspective of our industry. I am humbled that they choose to follow me as I depict our industry's evolution. Thank you all for your support.

Our LinkedIn online group was created for discussion of our magazine created in 2010  AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum now has over 4610 members and has taken on a life of its own. I read the group with the same interest as everyone else to see what folks want to share what new and trending.

My Twitter account also started in 2010 has over 1400 followers as well

Our online magazine was started 23 years ago before social media identities like, LinkedIn launched on May 5, 2003, and Twitter Twttr launched to the public in July 2006, were vehicles of how special interest folks could find each other. We are working to build bridges from our long online history of controlled blogging of ongoing industry information with these and other social media of the day. You can help as we see AutomatedBuildings.com as a landing pad for information that needs to be shared with our industry. We never throw anything away and it always resides at the same URL.

The news just keeps flowing on our website and of course, the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of over 22 years of information on our site is with our site search engine


As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from January 2022

Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


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