January 2014

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2013 in the rear view mirror

A quick review of signifcant change in 2013 and insight into our AHRExpo education sessions

Ken Sinclair, Publisher

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This is our 15th year of presenting Education Sessions at AHRExpo, this year themed Building Data the New Deliverable.

This annual event always allows us a great oppportunity to reflect back on the signifcant change that has occcured in our industry in the last year. It has been a year of amazing change and 2014 is poised to be a year of greater change.

I am pleased to be joined by Jim Sinopoli in these sessions.  I believe we provide a good balance, as Jim's day job is as a global large building smart-automation-integration-conservation-collaboration-cloud consultant who actually implements the talked about change;  where as my job is to provide a constant connection to the change agents of our industry.

Jim will provide an overview of how his predictions for last year went and provide his predictions for 2014, plus share some of the exciting projects he is involved with.

This year we have added input from Brad White who is working as a building automation and energy efficiency consultant, and is seeing the majority of projects driven by recommissioning. Clients are anxious to take advantage of modern integrated control systems and cloud based services (fault detection, energy management information systems, etc) to reduce their energy costs and improve operations. Brad will also discuss the combination of the avalanche of data coming out of modern building automation systems and the cloud based tools to analyse this data that is starting to disrupt the traditional energy audit and recommissioning market. Increasingly, the opportunities for improving facility operation and efficiency are defined by interpreting the data, and not by labour intensive and in depth engineering studies.

As with last year we have Will Rhodes back providing input into our market size and shape. He will be able to update us on his last year preditions Trends in Intelligent Buildings 2013 IMS Research’s (part of IHS (NYSE:IHS)) overview of the market in 2012 and the trends to watch in 2013, while providing us with his projections for 2014.

Rhodes: The market for building analytics is still in the very early stages of development.  However, the increasing use of cloud computing in conjunction with big data could change the tide for building analytics vendors in 2013. Buildings produce a lot of data; by using cloud computing the building data across an entire portfolio of buildings can be aggregated. This enables the initial install and on-going management of the building analytics to be centrally managed. The roll out of building analytics over a portfolio can be as fast as it takes to install the software into a server in a single building. This would also represent a further step towards the IT industry becoming more integrated with the building automation industry.

In addition this year we have the first ever meeting of the Connection Community Collaboration with an evolving agenda online in a LinkedIn group with a powerful group of industry thought leaders.

So what were the twelve best read content pieces that best explained the significant changes of 2013?

The Role of Architects in a Smart Building  Maybe their most important role in a smart building, is simply putting advanced technology and smart building operations on the agenda.

Top 10 Smart Building Myths—Busted   Misperceptions Debunked - Smart buildings are a no-brainer and more affordable than most building owners and investors realize.

Energy and Buildings…  What opportunities does the current economy present?

Building Automation Systems Integration to the Cloud  The industry is still struggling with the distinctions between a platform, a system, and a protocol.  A protocol can be platform, system, and programming language independent.

Something Happening Here  Haystack-Connect Event

Defining a Smart Building: Part One   This initial article will focus on three of the major attributes of a smart building: cabling infrastructure, lighting control systems and facility management tools.

The Global Market for Smart Building (BEMS) to Smart Grid Software Interfaces   Connecting BEMS in Smart Buildings to Smart Grid to deliver DR and DE is a niche market that is needed now.

The Impact of LED Lighting on the BEMS Industry  The result will be the emergence of new players, new technologies and new application delivery mechanisms.

Smart Cities could drive BAS Opportunity   Exploring the role of Building Automation in smart cities further, these buildings require technology to interact and operate as systems.

Disruptive Innovation makes Cloud Era Possible   The world lacks a building automation and control ontology.

Microsoft's Redmond Operations Center (ROC)   We are connected to two million data “points” across 35,000 building assets, and over a 24 hour period, we collect 500 Million data transactions every day.

Who Will Win the Energy Management Software Business for Smart Buildings?    BEMS and Enterprise Energy Management software will only deliver if they work together.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]A dozen points of view by industry thought leaders on a year of radical change, 2014 will see the general adoption of these concepts by the masses.

The Connected Communities Collaboration Meeting with various industry speakers will be held Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014 1:30pm at AHRExpo 2014 NYC  Meeting agenda is evolving online on the Linkedin open group called `Connection Communities Collaboration.  For insight to meeting and speakers and the evolving agenda log into group, also insight and connection to last year's first ever  "Why we need to be part of several Connection Communities".

Events helping define change

https://realcomm.com/   Realcomm Conference Group, LLC is a worldwide research and event company at the intersection of technology, innovation and real estate operations. Through our annual conferences, webinars, workshops, CIO Forums and other strategic services, Realcomm provides networking and collaboration opportunities, while educating industry professionals about the latest business solutions and technologies to improve commercial real estate development, leasing, management and operations.

http://haystackconnect.org/vision   Technology continues to drive rapid change in smart building technologies, energy management and operational efficiency solutions. The most significant advances are being driven not by a single company, but rather by a community of companies creating open, best of breed technologies that work together through a range of open protocols and software interfaces, including the rapidly growing “Haystack” standard. These new technologies reach the market through a growing group of practitioner communities, each with deep expertise in their own fields.

So from every successful event there needs to be a takeaway that changes our point of view.  For me it was captured when a couple of hayseeds took the stage and planted the seeds of change and showed us all how a connected Haystack using data modeling could alter industry dynamics as we know them.  A great production with an amazing cast in this historical and mildly hysterical production…….smile.

Just a couple of Hayseeds planting ideas about using data modeling and an open source initiative to change how we view everything. This is what our world needs to understand about the true value of the power of data modeling.

Eric and Ken of ControlTrends.org, a fellow media sponsor of the event captured this all on video so I can show you what I am talking about.

They wrote; One of the highlights of Haystack Connect was the presentation by Jason Briggs and Scott Muench of J2 Innovations. Their demonstration shows the ease, power and flexibility of Haystack. Great job guys!




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