June 2012 |
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Back to Basics – Part One
The fundamentals |
R. Calabrese |
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As I’d mentioned back in the April column, I thought I’d “cool my
engines” so to speak during the summer months, and present a “back to
basics” series to take us through to the fall, at which point I’ll
redirect my focus to current trends and new products.
In thinking how to put this series together, I went back to the book
that I had published back in 2003, to see how relevant the concepts
presented are, almost ten years later. To my delight, much (most) of
what I wrote is still very timely today. I did make it a point to write
the book with that in mind, such that it wouldn’t become obsolete a few
short years after it was published. I believe that I’ve succeeded to
the extent that the book was intended, and that was to illustrate the
concepts of HVAC controls from a practical standpoint, hence the title:
Practical Controls: A Guide to Mechanical Systems (sorry, I couldn’t
This series will be presented in three parts. Part one will cover
fundamental concepts and simple definitions. Part two will discuss the
different methods of control, components, and control systems
architecture. And part three will get into some miscellaneous stuff
that I have not yet had the chance to think about, so I’ll be winging
it by the time we get to August! I now present…Part One:
Mechanical System: a formal definition of the term might read as
follows: “mechanical equipment and the means of connecting the
equipment, to other equipment, and to the real world, in some
meaningful, functional manner.” In the HVAC world, mechanical systems
are typically designed to perform heating, cooling, and ventilation
(H-V-A-C) of spaces requiring such types of environmental control.
Mechanical systems in HVAC are made up of equipment such as fans,
pumps, dampers, valves, ductwork, and piping. Put ‘em all together and
you have yourself a mechanical system! As well, mechanical systems can
be further categorized as airside systems (fans/dampers/ductwork),
waterside systems (pumps/valves/piping), and miscellaneous systems
(systems and equipment that fall into neither of the aforementioned
categories). In my own way of thinking, I like to define an HVAC System
as a mechanical system plus the associated controls and control system
required to properly and efficiently operate it.
Zone: in the Glossary of my book, I define the term zone as “an area of
temperature control”. It’s a pretty simple definition, but what does
that really mean? In HVAC, a zone is typically a single space, room,
open area, or even several individual spaces served by a single piece
of heating/cooling equipment. A sensor, thermostat, or similar device
within the zone, in simple terms, controls the piece of equipment that
serves the zone. There is only one device per zone, this being perhaps
the most telltale evidence of a zone and its existence. Count up the
sensors in the building, and you have your number of zones! Well, it’s
a little more involved than that, but hopefully you get the idea.
Equipment Levels: expanding on the concept of the term “zone”, we can
define types of mechanical systems and equipment as zone-level (or
unitary), equipment level, and plant level. These terms are used to
loosely describe the relative size and complexity of various systems.
At the zone level are the types of equipment that would individually
serve single zones. Equipment falling under this category include VAV
boxes, fan-coils, and unit heaters. At the equipment level, we
typically describe large packaged and built-up air handling equipment.
And at the plant level, we’re talking systems that are made up of
several pieces of equipment. For instance, a boiler plant would consist
of boilers, pumps, valves, and piping that make up the system.
A word about the two terms used above: packaged and built-up. A
packaged piece of equipment is one that is furnished with some amount
of factory mounted and installed controls devices. These controls may
partially or even completely allow the equipment to operate, without
any other added controls. A packaged rooftop unit is a perfect example.
The unit is ready to go right out of the crate. Just hook up the gas,
electricity, and space thermostat, and fire it up! Conversely, an air
handling unit that comes from the factory as nothing more than a fan, a
hot water coil, and a mixing box, is an example of a piece of equipment
that needs to be “built up”. Controls required to make this unit
operate include, but are not limited to, a fan controller, a control
valve for the hot water coil, a damper actuator for the mixing box, and
some kind of a temperature controller.
Sensor & Controller: Contrary to popular belief, a sensor does not
have the capability to control! Maybe it’s just a matter of
terminology, and the improper use of it, but quite often the word
sensor is referred to in terms of “controlling the operation” of
something. No, in the truest sense of the word (no pun intended), the
only thing a sensor can do is “sense”. A sensor’s main function is to
measure a “controlled variable” in an accurate and continuous manner.
In HVAC, we’re typically measuring and controlling temperature,
pressure, and humidity.
We can describe a controller by listing its three distinct functions.
The first is that the controller must be able to gather and process the
information measured by the sensor. The second is that a preference, or
setpoint, must be able to be established via the controller. And the
third is that the controller must be able to act upon the controlled
variable, in a manner beneficial to the controlled process. A simple
example is a temperature controller reading temperature from a space
temperature sensor. Through the controller a setpoint is set, say, a
space temperature setpoint of 72 degrees. The controller in turn may be
controlling the position of a hot water control valve. The controller
acts upon the controlled variable, which in this case is space
temperature, by allowing the proper amount of hot water to flow through
a radiator coil, let’s say, to achieve and maintain space temperature
Controller Levels: Before we get into the definition of Direct Digital
Control (DDC), let us examine the three levels of “digital”
controllers. First is the unit level controller, referring to a
controller suited for unitary control (zone level equipment such as
VAVs and fan-coils). Unit level controllers are often referred to as
“application specific”, however this nomenclature is product dependent
and doesn’t necessarily mean that a given unit level controller can’t
be utilized for a range of applications. Equipment level controllers
are suited for equipment level control (huh?). For instance, a large
built-up air handler requiring a controller with enough inputs and
outputs to accommodate equipment of this size. And at the plant level,
you guessed it, the plant level controller! A controller of this size
will have the required I/O to accommodate perhaps a boiler/chiller
plant, and will typically consist of a “main brain” module plus the
required number of satellite input/output modules.
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DDC & BAS: The term Direct Digital Control is used to describe
microprocessor-based control. Analog information (i.e. from sensors) is
converted to digital information (0s and 1s), so that it can be
processed and manipulated by a microprocessor. Likewise, digital
results are converted to analog information, to control the operation
of “real world” end devices (more on this whole discussion of analog
and digital stuff later in the series). BAS stands for Building
Automation System, and refers to when a multitude of digital
controllers are networked together and interfaced to a front-end.
The two terms are not really interchangeable, even though a Building
Automation System is sometimes referred to as a DDC system. In its
purest form, a DDC system consists of a single digital controller
operating a piece of equipment in a stand-alone mode, with no network
to support it. Take it a step further, and consider a multitude of
digital controllers, all operating stand-alone, with no communication
to and from a higher entity. This in fact is still a DDC system, albeit
a non-networked DDC system. Why you would want to do this is beside the
point, the point being that you need to have the network and the
front-end in order to call a system of DDC controllers a BAS. Get it?
Got it? Good!
Points: last term to discuss before we conclude this part of the
series, is the concept of a point. The term is used to describe a
control operation, whether it be a sensing action or a controlling
action. A point can be anything from a temperature sensor, to an output
of a proportional controller operating a control valve. With digital
controllers, a tally of the used inputs and outputs can provide an
overall “point count” of a control system, and in this respect can
serve as a quantitative evaluation of a given system.
Tip of the Month: Did you know??? Manufacturers often encode
input/output information into the model numbers of their digital
controllers. For instance, given the model number SRC424 of a
fictitious controller, the letters could be an acronym for the type of
controller (in this case, my initials!), and the numbers represent the
types and quantities of the onboard I/O. The first number could
represent inputs (analog or binary), the second representing analog
(proportional) outputs, and the third representing binary (two-state)
outputs. This cataloging scheme extends to different industries as
well; one that comes to mind is the digital audio industry, whereby
digital audio interface equipment is categorized in much the same way
(for what it’s worth!).
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