March 2009

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ZigBee Resource Guide

This guide from the ZigBee Alliance is a promotional magazine for ZigBee.  It includes ads from ZigBee suppliers and summaries of market potential for ZigBee products.  Applications of ZigBee for energy conservation and energy management are described. 

New Products
Past Issues

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ZigBee: Ready for Products Today

Thanks to the efforts of our global membership, the world is recognizing ZigBee as the global wireless language connecting dramatically different devices that are designed to improve everyday life. Very soon, ZigBee will begin touching the lives of people as they begin using a variety of products designed to help them save energy, increase convenience and improve safety. They will use products built by any number of the Alliance’s more than 250 members. These members are companies from almost every continent. They are small businesses, as well as multi-national corporations with global brands. Regardless of size, they share a vision for ZigBee and work together everyday to provide a variety of ingredients needed to create ZigBee products and reinforce an already enviable supply chain that ensures quality, choice and competition.

ZigBee: New Features, More Opportunities
The Alliance unveiled an impressive slate of features with the publication of the ZigBee specification at the end of 2007. The latest edition of the ZigBee Specification offers all the wide ranging features released in 2006, and adds new features, giving manufacturers great flexibility when designing innovative ZigBee products. The 2007 update established two Feature Sets for product developers, ZigBee and ZigBee PRO. The original set of features published in 2006 is now known as the ZigBee Feature Set and it has several new optional features. An expanded set of features known as the ZigBee PRO Feature Set maximizes the capabilities of ZigBee and facilitates ease-of-use and advanced support for larger networks. Both Feature Sets expand product development options available to manufacturers. The newly released Feature Sets are designed to interoperate with each other, ensuring long-term use and stability. The specification is available for free public download on

Public Application Profiles: Creating Interoperable Products
ZigBee Alliance members create public application profiles to provide a global standard for product interoperability regardless of manufacturer. The Alliance certifies these products, allowing customers to purchase with confidence. The Alliance is developing a suite of public application profiles to serve the broad needs of the market.

As an example, the ZigBee Smart Energy is a public application profile that is rapidly becoming the choice for energy management and efficiency. It is gathering support from governments, regulators and utility companies worldwide. Alliance members are working together with these groups to integrate ZigBee Home Area Networks into new programs promoting energy efficiency. Their efforts are paying off. Industry analysts are predicting ZigBee to be the preferred technology solution in this space. As sources of energy continue to become more precious and more expensive, energy management systems for both residential and commercial users will continue to proliferate. People around the world will use ZigBee to save energy while allowing them to maintain comfort, security and convenience.

Another ZigBee public application profile is ZigBee Home Automation. It offers manufacturers a proven standard approach to making devices reliable, affordable, easy to install and operate for the new construction, do-it-yourself and retrofit markets. ZigBee Home Automation provides standard interfaces for the control of lighting, HVAC, power outlets, motorization, security, audio/video and other devices. Industry leading ZigBee Alliance members created ZigBee Home Automation, ensuring that the myriad of devices in the automated home work together and create a robust and secure solution regardless of manufacturer.

Other markets and public application profiles in development include telecommunications, commercial building automation and personal health care. Companies interested in these fields are encouraged to join the Alliance today and gain valuable information on how ZigBee can differentiate your product portfolio. Please check for the latest list of available public application profiles.

A Global Open Standard
ZigBee was created by a group of companies interested in creating a global open standard that connect and control a myriad of unconnected devices in our world. This dedication to openness has allowed the Alliance to attract companies of all sizes and establish an entirely new market. The Alliance makes all its specifications available to the public to encourage broad support and innovation.

As you will see by the products included in the ZigBee Resource Guide, the number of products built with ZigBee is dramatically increasing. If your company needs low-cost, low power wireless products that are secure, self-healing and self-organizing networks, based on a global open standard, then ZigBee is the technology to choose.

Bob Heile, Chairman, ZigBee Alliance

A few examples


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