
March 2017

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Haystack Connect 2017 Program Preview

Need reasons to attend Haystack Connect 2017 - one of the most important is the high-quality technical program.
Robin Bestel, Conference Manager

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Technically, there are a lot of reasons to attend Haystack Connect 2017:

One of the most important is the high-quality technical program - sessions by industry experts that get to the real issues and solutions in connecting smart devices and their data into solutions. Here is a preview of sessions already on the program:

In the Security Track:
Security for Our Devices and Systems; Protect the BAS; Secure the data; Isolate every stream; virtualize the edge
Using SSL and VPNs to provide security for connected systems

In the Software Tools Track:
Implementing Haystack “ops” and “markers” with wire sheet programming tools
Network Analytics: The Next Big Thing to improve performance and reliability of building systems
Integrating Niagara 4 Data and Tags Automatically with a Haystack Sync Service
StackHub: Package Management and E-commerce Portal for the Haystack Community
Open Source Tools for Haystack Data Modeling

In the Project-Haystack Technology Track:

Introduction to Project-Haystack and Data Modeling – if you are new to Haystack start here
Payoffs of Haystack Tagging for Smart Building Projects
Project Haystack and the End User – How Owners Benefit from Project Haystack

The Haystack “Geek Track” (Danger there may be math involved)

Deep Dive into the Haystack 3.0 Meta Model and the Haystack 3.0 Authentication Model
Time Series Data and Haystack - Transforming real-time data into actionable information, and provide the means to analyze and visualize the data to assist in the business decision processes.
When Tags Are Introduced to Numbers, the Sum is Greater than the Whole
Review of Major Additions to the Haystack Tagging Library and Equipment System Models

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Real World IoT Deployments:
Connecting over 5000 building control systems to the internet to provide new functionality, capabilities. Understanding challenges, benefits, vulnerabilities and the role of metadata tagging
Large Scale IoT Architectures - The Role of the Cloud and the Edge - Lessons Learned in Large Scale Cellular-connected System

Next Generation Hardware Technology Track:

Hobbyist Computers – Is Control and Data Modeling Now Free?
Using the Sedona Framework to Create a Truly Open Controller
Wired and Wireless Communications Options and Challenges in Building IoT Applications
The Open Source “Studs” Effort – Building Reliable Embedded Software with Fantom

The Community Track – Bringing Together the Activities of Standards Groups and Open Source Communities:
The Sedona Alliance – Furthering the Options for Open Control Platforms
Promoting Haystack Tagging in CMMS, EAM, and ERP for Industrial Control System Integration and Predictive Maintenance
Department of Energy Support for FDD
Use of Metadata and Semantic Tagging in BACnet® and ASHRAE Efforts on Metadata

This is just a preview of presentations already accepted. The call for speakers remains open until March 15 (based on availability). Watch for continued updates on the Haystack Connect 2017 program. Subscribe to our mailing list here:

Note agenda topics subject to change.


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