November 2006

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Anto BudiardjoEMAIL INTERVIEW  Anto Budiardjo & Ken Sinclair

Anto Budiardjo is President & CEO of Clasma Events Inc., the organizer of BuilConn held annually in North America, Europe and Asia as part of Clasma’s ConnectivityWeek ( ConnectivityWeek is a collection of conferences and tradeshows related to smart connected devices, regularly made up BuilConn (, M2M Expo (, GridWise Expo ( and Wi-tivity (

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BuilConn Singapore

As with the first events in the US and Europe, this Singapore event will focus on gathering the players and thought leaders in the new world of convergence.

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Sinclair:  Tell me about BuilConn Singapore?

Budiardjo:  BuilConn Singapore will be a very interesting first event for us in the Asia-Pacific market. We have a great deal of local support from a number of organizations, the lineup of speakers is a strong mix of global players in convergence and local owners, integrators and technology companies. See this link for the list of speakers.

Sinclair:  What is the focus for Singapore?

Budiardjo:  As with the first events in the US and Europe, this Singapore event will focus on gathering the players and thought leaders in the new world of convergence. In the case of Singapore there will be a great deal of content that focuses on the value and delivery of converged systems to building owners.

Sinclair:  Are you holding ibX Forum in Singapore also?

Budiardjo:  Yes, our partnership with i&i Limited in the UK will take the ibX Forum into the Asia-Pacific market. As expected, this was a very strong element of Amsterdam since it focused on the value proposition and ROI of intelligent buildings and convergence. See this link for details.

Sinclair:  What about the wireless side with Wi-tivity?

Budiardjo:  Singapore is the first country to implement a country-wide free WiFi system. Albeit it’s a small country, but this shows a vision of how important wireless is going to be as a base connectivity infrastructure. We will have a number of high level speakers talking about this at the event.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Sinclair:  So this is part M2M and part BuilConn?

Budiardjo:  Yes, Wi-tivity and the availability of a pervasive wireless infrastructure deals with the broad wireless subject applicable to M2M and building systems.

Sinclair:  Are you getting attendees from the broader region?

Budiardjo:  Yes we have attendees registered from as far as the Middle East, India, Australia as well as Hong Kong, China. It is intended to be a regional gathering.

Sinclair:  How about the Keynotes?

Budiardjo:  We have a very strong line up including a senior executive from the IDA, the government authority in Singapore responsible for what they call Infocomm (which is a combination of IT and communications). We also have a regional Senior Manager from Cisco, the ever popular and mind-provoking Glen Allmendinger from Harbor and Alan Kell from i&i Limited. A couple of additional speakers are pending confirmation, the plenary sessions at BuilConn is always full of thought provoking and visionary perspectives.

Sinclair:  And you are also organizing a Cisco Roundtable in Singapore?

Budiardjo:  Yes this will be the third Roundtable this year, one in each major world markets. A significant focus of the Roundtable in Singapore is looking at the value proposition of building owners interested in convergence. See this link for information.

Sinclair:  Sounds like it will continue the global convergence message well.

Budiardjo:  Yes Ken. And I am happy that you will be participating in Singapore, we look forward to the event. For more info, visit


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