October 2015

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Comments by Ken Sinclair
Publisher - AutomatedBuildings.com

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Satisfaction + Well Being = Productivity

Our new tools of social engagement allow us to rapidly and continuously quantify as never before the measured variables of "Satisfaction" and "Well Being" in our buildings.

We all understand how important these factors are to the productivity within our buildings.

Ken Sinclair - Editorial Our passion and actions will define a new industry using social engagement to quantify "Satisfaction" and "Well Being" using connection, analytic and achievement assessment.

As we demonstrate our belief and share our passion with our early adopter clients, we all will grow in the creation and understanding of adding the never before quantified social feeling and well being of buildings. The systems we create to do this are revolutionary in the information we collect and the interaction we achieve changing the landscape of buildings.

These new occupant driven buildings created by this new approach and its direct feedback will take on a new form.  The new paradigm will lead with driving sustainability beyond the building in transportation, hotelling of office space, and personal greenest.  These buildings will morph into reflections of a strong shared social vision for each building driven by the occupants. A software campus approach and feeling will evolve where the occupant is the highest valued resource in the building. Their spaces will evolve to working cafes, open spaces, green space and video conferencing theaters, driven by the social feeling and interaction of the occupants of the buildings.

Old buildings will evolve to demonstrate their new social driven life and their occupants proudly sharing their achievements that they have prevented the footprint that would occur to replace these buildings.

Our early adopter clients will help us share our dream as we mock up our first social engagements and mutually refine them to achieve the successes we all know we can achieve.

We have been talking about measuring productivity for a long time from this 2003 review of One presentation - Environmental Quality and the Productive Workplace by Professor Derek Clements-Croome, was a smorgasbord of global resources on productivity in the workspace. This graphic, one of many presented was originally prepared by Amory Lovens. It is very graphical and shows why our industry should move our focus to the productivity area.

I am intrigued with the new evolving measured variables in the industry productivity, well being, happiness, and satisfaction and how these will over shadow energy if we can document with social media. But are existing social media platforms the best way of measuring satisfaction? How do you separate opinion from fact? Not sure... but we all need to explore this mountain of transformational change together.

The links to the articles below my review provide a head shake for us all to begin our transformational change.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]As always this new issue is a nest of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting our rapidly evolution and journey to "Satisfaction" and "Well Being" in our buildings.

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The news just keeps flowing thru our web site and RSS feeds daily, and of course the only way to truly find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine http://www.automatedbuildings.com/search/sitesearch.htm

As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from September 2015

Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


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