Future Building

The Future Building Management System
Jim Sinopoli Smart
Buildings LLC
Using Data Analytics to Improve Performance
John Petze, SkyFoundry
Stop Worrying and Love Building Data
The KGS Buildings LLC Team
Integration of FDD & Demand Management
Kelsey Haas, Ezenics, Inc.
Real-Time Energy Management Still a Major Priority
Lisa West, Stephanie Daly, AtSite, Inc.
New BASgatewayLX
George Thomas, Contemporary Controls
APPs, AppStores, and what you should get
Bill Shadish, Fundamental Objects, Inc.
Effective Energy Management
David Nowak, VingCard Elsafe
Strategic Acquisitions
Allan McHale, Memoori
Can Simple Payback Justify Energy Improvements?
David Schurk DES, CEM, LEED AP
An Open Letter to BACnet
Equipment Suppliers
Ken Nekvasil, FHS Controls/Kontrols LLC
Offer Environmental and Economic Benefits
Kevin Jobsky, ICM Controls
Demand Management for Facilities Professionals
Wayne Wiebe, Kenmark Group
Roadmap To A Successful Central Plant Optimization
David Adams, Climatec – Building Technologies Group
Intelligent Building Cabling System
Steve C. Paulov Ph.D.
Wireless for Fume Hoods
Todd Hanson, Honeywell Sensing & Control