February 2016

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AHR Expo Education Sessions Review

plus pdf of presentation Power Points 

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The transformation of our industry is well underway with Internet of Things becoming part of everything.

I have included a pdf of each of the first three presentations.  No notes have been provided as the format was an interactive discussion by the panel and attendees.  Comments from the audience were answered onsite and are not part of the presentations.

The PDFs of the powerpoints were used as wallpaper to set the scene for the sessions.

Details of the sessions can be found here;

AHRExpo 2016 Education Sessions Our 17th year of Free Education Sessions in Orlando.

First Session; Transformational Change for Building Automation  Monday, Jan. 25; 9 am pdf of power points used

The bottom line to date is; "the possible is presently impossible without transformative change, but the map of the possible is leading rapidly to help define the needs of that Transformative change that is now required everywhere in our industry."
  I am extremely pleased with the industry support I have received helping me define "the possible of connected buildings".  This clear definition of the possible is helping us all define the transformational change we all need to make. The possible expands daily as we better understand the change upon us.

More insight from Jim;

Building with Sunshine After decades in anticipation, the solar energy market has created a substantial and growing movement to integrate photovoltaics (PV) in buildings, where many of the building components and the solar energy production are one in the same. - Jim Sinopoli PE, RCDD, LEED AP, Managing Principal, Smart Buildings LLC

Transforming Skill Sets to Lead and Manage Change Monday, Jan. 25; 1:30 pm pdf of power points used

This was an education session and discussion; led by industry experts about how we need to approach the engagement of our only true asset our people and make transformative change part of their and our lives and use the resulting feedback to create self learning cultures for our companies.

Session insight; We built on last year's  session in Chicago, “Addressing the Skills Gap”, Understanding that People are our only Asset, an education session.

Data Analytics / Occupant Engagement and the Road to Self-Managing Buildings Tuesday Jan. 26; 9:00 am pdf of power points used

This was an education session led by industry experts exploring data driven decision making and introducing the new value added with Occupant Engagement in increasing comfort and productivity. Discussion of the evolving new industry measured variables of "satisfaction" and "happiness" now with feedback from social media and data analytics. This session also explored what we might find on the road to self-managed buildings.

Fourth annual Connection Community Collaboratory, Orlando Tuesday Jan. 26; 1:30 pm

The 4th CCC was an educational discussion held in a open collaboratory by the connection community that allowed all to learn and share.

The Connection Community thanks http://controltrends.org/ , Eric and Kenneth for capturing the complete event on video linked here


CCC meeting Orlando

[an error occurred while processing this directive]It was not a meeting, it was an education session and discussion led by industry experts about how we need to approach creating and selling connection to the world. An open fun Collaboratory atmosphere where we all could learn and share.   The concept of connection communities was created by Marc Petock and Ken Sinclair in Chicago at the AHRExpo 2012.  We were searching to find words that described the communities who are working together and fueling new ways to extend the value of our building systems while exploring the best of breed in change and innovation.

I was somewhat disappointed by the low number of folks that turned out to listen to these industry thought leaders who were part of the collaboratory. Their insight and wisdom into the future was amazing, the interaction from the audience was great and started some great discussions.

I would be pleased to get feedback from the industry on  how we can make this session better and share this valuable information with more folks. This is where you can affect our future and our transformation to I of T ways.


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