Reviews - January 2002
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Product, Software and Web Site Reviews - January 2002

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AHR 2002 Review
Here is a quick review of what we saw and sensed in the industry at the AHR Expo in Atlantic City.

COBA (Connected Open Building Automation) Are you aware of this group and how it may impact our industry? Take the time to review their web site and step through their power point presentation.

Infra-Red (IR) and Radio-Frequency (RF) are having a significant effect on the global Intelligent Building industry with intelligence to constantly track and identify objects in real time..

Five Free Show Sponsored Sessions on Building Automation

Not a review but a "Preview"

Here is a look at this year's AHR Expo Free Educational Sessions on Automation.


Last month's most requested review

Division 17800 is the Building Automation Industry.

A review with pointers to the proposed Division 17 "Technology and Communication Systems" or TACS.

I have heard about Division 17 for Building Automation since I was a young lad in the industry, and a few months ago I was introduced to the  web site, but recently I received this email from Steve Thomas Johnson Controls, Inc.


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