Online trade magazine providing News, Articles, Interviews, New Products, and Reviews. 

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March 29, 2025

Letters to the Editor

June's Interview
BuilConn: Next Stop Amsterdam
Connectivity of Systems
Using Data to Drive Facility Operations

Industry Press Releases & News Briefs

New Products:
Now available, or soon to be released.

June's Review
“Building Automation Solutions through Distribution”~

Product Showcase: 
Our Sponsors

Mays Favourites
Engineered Systems Supplement
Hubs versus Switches
Building Automation Solutions through Distribution

Resource Libraries:
Links, Software, Archives - Articles, Reviews, Press Releases, Interviews 

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Thanks to Elodrive for their increased advertising presence on the site.

Elodrive Elodrive manufactures air control damper actuators and temperature control valves for HVAC. Elodrive actuators feature watertight housings for harsh indoor and outdoor applications, high accuracy and low power consumption, compact size, and quiet operation.

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"The Automator"
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Past Issues

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Articles - June 2005

Elevating our Industry
Paul Ehrlich, Building Intelligence Group

Building-IT Convergence…What Next?
Anto Budiardjo, Clasma Events Inc.

Power Over Ethernet
George Thomas, Contemporary Controls

The Growth of Open Systems
Mike O'Donnell, Viconics

Fully Interoperable Lighting Control
Jerry Mills, Easylite Integrated Lighting Systems

Nelson Warthan, Warthan Group Inc.

Digital Signage Summit
Lyle Bunn, BTV+

Give us a Sign
Ken Sinclair,

Articles - May 2005

Corporate Enterprises Are Forever Changed With Real-Time Building Information
Ken Sinclair,

Access Control - The Missing Link?
Rob Zivney, Hirsch Electronics

Integrated Information Technology is the New IT 
Jack Mc Gowan, Energy Control Inc.

Web Services For Building Controls At A Crossroads
Toby Considine, oBIX Chairman

Making Collaborative Design Work
Thomas Hartman, P.E., The Hartman Company

Hubs versus Switches 
George Thomas, Contemporary Controls

Realizing the Economic Benefits of Interoperable Facilities Management Systems
Terrence R Reynolds, PE, CEM,, Control Technologies Inc

Cost Effective Biological Monitoring For Buildings
Mike Schell, Charles Call, Ezra Merrill, Amy Gardner, MesoSystems Technology, Inc.

XML / oBIX Demo
Ken Sinclair,

All our articles are archived.  We are constantly amazed at the amount of requests for previously published articles.  Thank you for your continued interest and support for the site and a special thanks to all our authors. Top 20 requested articles published between May 99 and Dec 2001. 

This is not just a spectator sport, please send your articles, news releases and new product information.


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