Press Release - February 2002
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  ProSyst´s mBedded Builder 5.0 accelerates the Development of Network based Services

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Development Platform for the Development, Testing, and Debugging of Applications and Services - New Features - Support of OSGi Specifications Release 2 

Cologne - With the mBedded Builder 5.0 ProSyst Software AG completes its product offer regarding the development, delivery, distribution and management of new dynamic services. ProSyst is the leading provider of Embedded Software enabling complete control, networking, and functionality enhancement of electronic devices. 

The mBedded Builder 5.0 is an ideal development environment for the development of OSGi bundles, Java Servlets, Java Applets, Jini Services as well as WAP- and Web- components. Due to its modular and scalable structure, the developers are able to adopt the development environment to their specific requirements by using Plug-Ins. Accordingly, one can consider the different development requirements in diverse branches like "Home Automation", "Automotive/Telematics" and "Industry Automation". Regarding the development of OSGi bundles, the mBedded Builder 5.0 supports developers with Wizards and the automatic generation of Java-Code. In order to meet the requirements of the developer community, mBedded Builder 5.0 includes new features like the simultaneous work on more than one project and the support of the OSGi Specifications Release 2. 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]The efficient tools "Jdebugger" and "Jprofiler" enable developers to optimize written Java-Codes. In addition, the Professional-Edition includes both, the "TeamWork Server" for cooperation options regarding the software development and the "Install Project" for the creation of Operating System independent installation versions. Based on the ProSyst PGUI Library, a Java-Library for the creation of graphical User Interfaces, the mBedded Builder 5.0 requires only minimal system resources. Due to Java-Technology the mBedded Builder is platform independent and runs on a great variety of Operating Systems and JVMs (Java Virtual Machines). 

Consultancy company Infinis chooses ProSyst technology – Cooperation contract signed

Stuttgart/Cologne – ProSyst Software AG, leading provider of embedded software enabling complete control, networking and functionality enhancement of devices, has expanded the list of its partners through an agreement with Infinis. Infinis will promote and implement the solutions of the Cologne-based embedded software specialists in customer projects across Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Located in Stuttgart, Infinis develops customized concepts and solutions for new, intelligent homes and lifestyles.

ProSyst Software AG Strengthens Long-Term Financial Base

SAP, Ventizz, Berlin Capital Fund, Supersonic and Invision invest in Provider of Service Gateway Solutions

Cologne, 01/23/02 - Receiving a strong vote of confidence from the investment community, ProSyst Software AG has strengthened its capital base by an additional 5 Million Euro. New investors are Ventizz Capital Partners AG, Düsseldorf/ Germany, and Invision AG, Zug/ Switzerland. These join earlier ProSyst investors SAP Ventures Europe (the European Venturefund of SAP AG, Walldorf/ Germany), Berlin Capital Fund GmbH, Berlin/ Germany, and Supersonic AG, Zug/ Switzerland. The additional capital will be invested exclusively in further product and market development.

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