Press Release -January 2002
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]OSGI at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2002

At  the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2002, leading technology companies from the Open Service Gateway Initiative (, including Motorola, Philips, IBM and others, are demonstrating the latest product deployments and multiple services now being developed and adopted using the OSGi open specification. These products range from automotive and home appliance to automation, and are designed to comply with the OSGi framework. OSGi invites you to visit with members that are rallying behind OSGi for the future of managed, network delivered services.

The Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi), established in 1999, is an independent, non-profit corporation working to define and promote open specifications for the delivery of managed broadband services to networks in homes, cars and other environments. OSGi also works to proliferate these open specifications through the sponsorship of technology, market, and user education programs. The San Ramon, California, USA-based organization comprises more than 70 member organizations from around the globe. Membership is open to any interested party, including Internet Service Providers, Network Operators, Original Equipment Manufacturers, Independent Software Vendors, end users, academic institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. The consortium's Web site address is .

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