January 2022

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  Comments by Ken Sinclair
Publisher - AutomatedBuildings.com

January  - "Defining You in 2022"

How you Adapt, Navigate, Embrace, Connect Virtually in 2022 will define you.


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This is not 2020-too or a remake of that year, or even 2021, it is a new year, a new era, a time to champion your change based on what you have learned about survival and adaption in the last few years.

Adaption and Navigation are our new superpowers  I explain in this interview.

The pandemic has caused us to question why and where we have large buildings. What can be done remotely, shifts our original purpose for the building’s “collaboration, communication, community,” forcing us into an online anywhere, anytime, cyber world where everything is done differently. And about the next new; Whatever that is, I use navigation rules to suggest how we navigate the unknown.

What have 50 years in the industry taught me? The more I learn the less I know, but “Adaptation” is our survival superpower. According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives, but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. The adaptation process is a critical part of cognitive development. Through assimilation and accommodation, people are able to take in new information, form new ideas or change existing ones, and adopt new behaviors that make them better prepared to deal with the world around them.

The building automation industry has seen growth changes, not so rapid yet significant. Today, we are at the cusp of a “perfect storm” of smart systems innovations and software-led transformations.

Marc has written this insightful article - 21 Lessons Learned During the Pandemic in 2021  It was a year that forced us to reconsider assumptions and expectations for our lives, the way we conducted business, and the way we communicated with each other.

I think we all can safely say that 2021 was most interesting indeed. It was a year that forced us to reconsider assumptions and expectations for our lives, the way we conducted business, and the way we communicated with each other. We continued to blaze fresh trails in our lives and find work that felt right and sustainable amid the ongoing pandemic. We redefined the way relationships look with family, friends. We modernized our views on work separation and decentralization; we embraced different ways to do our jobs, we updated the ways in which we made and distributed our products, and yes, we incorporated innovative ways to manage and operate our buildings. And, without any doubt, we succeeded!

Scott writes; The race is on for Cloud Building Control. Let's not kid ourselves, as we know, on-prem BAS will continue to be the solution for many sensitive building types, but the majority of systems we provide in the next years will be cloud based.

The year is ????... I walk into an office building, with a new Building Automation System (BAS) that resides in an off prem server... no controllers on site... just smart devices on an operational technology network securely connected to an offsite cloud which the owner and tenants use for everything as it relates to their personal relationship with the building. The vision, which was a dream, can now be a reality.

How will this change “Vetting Vegas” - AHRExpo Vegas first F2F major event of 2022?

How we Adapt, Navigate, Embrace, Connect in Vegas in 2022 will define you. This evolutionary event is poised to change the industry no matter what happens. 

We are all carefully examining actually "Vetting Vegas" the return of our industry's largest event. Cancellation in 2021 Chicago created a great hole in the industry that needs to be filled.  Their theme is "Ready to Rock"  This is your opportunity to interact 1:1 with the latest innovations and the people that are inventing them.

Anto provides this big picture perpective "The Road to System of (Building) Systems"

I am anticipating 2022 with great enthusiasm. I feel that a great deal of clarity has emerged on many fronts for the smart building industry, though not quite on all fronts yet. Let’s work to clarify things in 2022.

So, how do we make buildings smarter?

The key here is to simplify, and for this, I find biomimicry an amazing tool to find solutions.

The most complex entity in the universe, where everything is a snowflake, and there is no integrator is the natural world. Specifically us, animals.

We, animals, have spent the last few hundred million years figuring out how to efficiently live with each other. Darwin explains that we survived because of our ability to adapt to change.

So rather than thinking of the systems in a building as static as the steel and concrete of a building, we have to look at them as flexible to change as we animals are in our environment.

A great summary with predictions and best wishes from the team at Monday Live!  a catalyst to identify, discuss and clarify relative topics that help drive buildings to be smarter

Nicolas writes, That most of the things that is happening, and will happen, is all about power to the people. Decentralisation. Interoperability. And moving away from the current data dark ages and into a more information renaissance. And that the people working in the metaverse space have more in common with the interoperability heroes in the smart building space than the existing giants dominating it.

It’s not so much how we react to things. As it is how we act once we are being confronted with something we do not know about.

More here Top 10 tech trends that will shape the coming decade, according to McKinsey

We’ll experience more technological progress in the coming decade than we did in the preceding 100 years put together, says McKinsey.
And 10 tech trends will dominate this shifting landscape.

Reach out and touch someone Bill Lydon who I have known forever since 1970, is an InTech contributing editor provides this great advice on keeping connecting virtually.

The lack of informal interaction due to virtual symposiums and events has led me to think about the 1970s AT&T advertising slogan, “Reach out and touch someone,” encouraging people to make long distance calls to friends and family. This campaign was highly successful, touching a fundamental need for human interaction not always possible at a distance.

Feeling the sense of loss of face-to-face events for several months, I started making a conscious effort to reach out and connect with people using emails, LinkedIn messages, ISA Connect, and phone calls to say hello, how are you doing, and what’s happening? The reception to these efforts has been very good, because I think people feel the same need to connect. Phone calls particularly have been well appreciated, with many resulting in serendipitous conversations about meaningful challenges and solutions.

Welcome back to our sponsors/advertisers https://ismacontrolli.com/ with the iSMA-B-MAC36NL Hybrid IoT Controller powered by Niagara, winner of the AHR Expo 2022 Innovation Awards in the Building Automation category.

My LinkedIn Shares      My Twitter Tweets      Interact with our magazine in real time with over 4400 others

Contractormag has embellished my article archive, starting in 2017. Presents a pictorial overview of the topics we need to talk about. Ideas, links, and resources for these articles are evolved here.


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Now over 21,400 connections to my personal LinkedIn account where I posted all related industry information almost daily.  I am amazed at the global reach of these following folks and their diverse perspective of our industry. I am humbled that they choose to follow me as I depict our industry's evolution. Thank you all for your support.

Our LinkedIn online group was created for discussion of our magazine created in 2010  AutomatedBuildings.com Online Magazine Forum now has over 4470 members and has taken on a life of its own. I read the group with the same interest as everyone else to see what folks want to share what new and trending.

My Twitter account also started in 2010 has over 1400 followers as well

Our online magazine was started 22 years ago before social media identities like, LinkedIn launched on May 5, 2003, and Twitter Twttr launched to the public in July 2006, were vehicles of how special interest folks could find each other. We are working to build bridges from our long online history of controlled blogging of ongoing industry information with these and other social media of the day. You can help as we see AutomatedBuildings.com as a landing pad for information that needs to be shared with our industry. We never throw anything away and it always resides at the same URL.

The news just keeps flowing on our website and of course, the only way to find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of over 22 years of information on our site is with our site search engine


As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Editorial from December 2021

Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


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