July 2014

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IBcon Vegas an amazing event

Ken IBcon

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IBcon Vegas was a truly an amazing event with the users of smart intelligent buildings meeting with the providers of same and having meaningful dialog. Great questions and great answers by all.

In the spirit of the new collaboration which we all need to be part of, and the scope of this amazing show, I collaborated with;

Eric and Ken http://controltrends.org/ and Therese http://buildingcontext.me/ to help provide you a better picture of what you missed.

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video can portray a book of pictures.

Therese builds context in her separate review of event here; Their common message was that open-architected, interoperable building automation systems (BAS) are at the nucleus of the next phase of human-to-machine connectivity. be sure to read;

Sound Bites, Surprises and Solid Advice from the Smart Building Integrator Summit (SBIS) at IBcon 2014

My review of the IBcon show includes direct links to valuable captures of the show by all with a few words to describe what was captured.

Starts here with this Control Trends video; Just Moments Before the 2014 IBcon PreConference Start with Ken Sinclair and Therese Sullivan.


Day 1 featured an incredible number of sessions and speakers: CIO Roundtable, COO Innovation Summit, Intelligent Building Boot Camp, the New Sustainability Executive Smart Building Symposium, and the New Smart Building Integrator Summit Intel’s announcement of their world-wide deployment of their E2E Embedded Solutions Group’s faster, simpler, easier and secure (McAffee) solutions for the Building Business. IT Security expert, Billy Rios, Director of Threat Intelligence at Qualys, offered prescriptive measures for Systems Integrators


My Biggest takeaway from show was  Our Assets R U.

We need to engage in connection to new folks to help grow our assets and our industry.

Hardware costs are dropping; capabilities are growing exponentially; data has been set free in the cloud to be mined by all.

Our best resource to the chaos is us, we need to allow the technology to flow around us, directing it to it best present day applications.

Our session Developing an Effective SELECTION PROCESS was extremley well recieved. Session started at 5:00 pm after a very full day and some 55 souls showed up to listen carfully to my amazing panel of industry experts.  This was one of the few events that did not get captured. Audience particlpation make this a very useful session.

Details here in an EMAIL INTERVIEWRob Murchison, Tom Shircliff and Ken Sinclair

Developing an Effective SELECTION PROCESS The list of companies offering Energy Management Systems (EMS) continues to grow. For the real estate owner/operator, it has become an exhaustive task to identify, organize and analyze the different options for a final, incisive decision.

More here in the preview for session;


From this capture by Control Trends:

In perhaps, the most significant industry gathering of 2014, Jim Young and Realcomm/IBcon brought together a world-class panel of some of the biggest and most influential global companies in the world that will undoubtedly change the direction and adoption tempo of technologies that will create and deliver new heights in operational efficiencies, reduced energy consumption, and the transformation of big data into business intelligence that will improve occupancy experiences, achieve sustainability goals, and effectively optimize commercial and corporate building financial performances.

At the 2014 Realcomm/IBcon, ControlTrends met up with Dave Lorenzini, a premiere technology visionary and entrepreneur that is changing the way people look at the world. Dave commented on the explosion of intelligent building interaction at a level never seen before; the amazing adoption of technology that has occurred since last year; and the exciting impact technology is having within the building industry. As the former Director of Keyhole, the first global 3D visualization System online that became the Google Earth, and serves over a billion users worldwide, Dave Lorenzini, has seen the structural transformation that innovative products can make and is very excited about the Sanborn Platform for Indoor Mapping (SPIN) and describes the role of the semi-autonomous mobile robotics platform in the next generation of intelligent buildings.

Check out video


The conference was also well covered with many videos by Realcomm/IBcon with a big Thank You from the IBcon Team!

We wish to thank everyone who participated in the 16th annual Realcomm conference and IBcon 2014 in Las Vegas! Your presence helped make both events a tremendous success. Some of the brightest and most visionary and innovative people from the commercial, corporate, institutional and government real estate industry were on hand to explore the latest technology innovations impacting the industry.

Conference LIVE Videos


I was very pleased to be on Realcomm / IBcon 2014 - Conference LIVE by Webcast & Beyond on Livestream.com LIve to provide a bit of information about AutomatedBuildings.com and how many of the folks from our 15 year Collaboratory were IBcon advisors. Realcomm IBcon has done a very good job of connection to the past of intelligent buildings with the future by using our industry leaders as advisors and presenters. The sessions showed this connection was very important to moving forward.

Ken and Therese

I was also honored to be selected as one of six candidates to receive the Digital Impact Award. Only two were chosen. I was up against tough competition and I agreed the award should go to Rick Huijbregts VP, Industry Transformation General Manager, IoE | Smart + Connected Communities Cisco Systems Inc.  His work in Smart Cities movement and IOT is amazing.

The second award was givento long-time friend, writer and AutomatedBuidings.com collaborator and of course Haystacker John Petze Principal SkyFoundry .

I bow to the achievement of these two personal heroes, but was pleased to be acknowledged as having some digital impact on our industry.

Digital Impact Award

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Not sure if you saw this from the show;

Dell is introducing new research on smart buildings and will join Intel to discuss its findings at the Intelligent Buildings Conference (IBcon) in Las Vegas today. Enabling building automation is a key element of Dell’s strategy of supporting customers around the world and across various industries in realizing their vision for the Internet of Things (IoT). Dell and Intel are helping architects and organizations imagine the next generation of integrated, open-architected, IP-centric, connected, high-performance, sustainable, energy-efficient, operationally efficient, and intelligent buildings.

The hugh Infocomm show was on at the same time I quickly walked and peeked in on setup of both north and south halls for event and amazing site of technology, flat screens, and audio. They also had a digital signage, digital wall section that I wanted to see but the IBcon event totally consumed me.

For a quick catch up on this event click below.

Welcome to the official online press office for InfoComm 2014. Below, are the latest announcements from exhibitors in Las Vegas.




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