March 2015

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Every month there is a blizzard of information contained in the emails and newsletters that cross my desk on their way to Some of this information is not in the form of any type of content we can publish but I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop.

Connection Community Collaboratory Chicago This third annual event was hosted by AHRExpo and moderated by  Videos by capture the wisdom and insight.

In our continuing research and consulting work in the IoT arena we have found that, with few exceptions, “hard” technologies will tend to be declining profit activities even though literal growth can be enormous. Sustainable profits, on the other hand, will grow from a new generation of software tools for data management, analytics and intelligence—coupled with smart managed services.

In the 1990s, the internet was a hard-to-explain concept to people and the ways people described computers was hilarious.Here we are in 2015 and history is repeating itself as we try and explain the Internet of Things.

Where do technology companies find candidates who have this magic combination of engineering experience and emotional intelligence? One source for this elusive talent mix is  Hacker School, a Manhattan-based coding retreat where students and teachers work hand-in-hand on highly collaborative projects, with the goal of becoming better programmers. Founded in 2011 by engineers is setting itself up to be the back-end platform of choice in the burgeoning IoT industry — an “Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IoT companies,” for want of a better analogy.

Smart meters creating mini networks Each smart meter will be fitted with an individual SIM.  As soon the meters finds a strong mobile network, it automatically transmits data from all the participants in its ad-hoc network to the utility provider. This allows customer’s meters to be read several times a day

Windows Insider Program (, which enables users to test beta versions of Windows10 before it's final release, and help shape the final look, feel and functionality of the operating system.

Demand Control Ventilation Benefits for Your Building  Author: Mark Stucky, Senior Content Developer & LEED Green Associate, KMC Controls  Every building owner wants to cut energy costs. For “green” buildings and enlightened employers, however, energy efficiency is no more important than the health and well-being of the building’s occupants.

Schneider Electric big move into the thinking thermostat market, with release of Wiser Air, a demand-response friendly device meant to increase interaction between utilities and their customers.

Texas Instruments (TI) announced the new SimpleLink ultra-low power wireless microcontroller (MCU) platform that helps customers go battery-less with energy harvesting or enjoy always-on, coin cell-powered operation for multiple years.[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years  This post looks at his very incredible predictions for the next 20+ years.  So who is Ray Kurzweil?  He has received 20 honorary doctorates, has been awarded honors from three U.S. presidents, and has authored 7 books (5 of which have been national bestsellers).

The information technology tools we are working with today to build “smart systems” were not designed to handle the scope of new capabilities, the diversity of devices and the massive volume of data-points generated from device interactions. These challenges are diluting the ability of organizations to efficiently and effectively manage development. The outdated and outmoded nature of software offerings available today makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to realize the promise of the Internet of Things and People.

Fun stuff for your home and phone on flip


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